- ヘラヘラ - frivolous (ex. 「ヘラヘラやってんじゃねえぞ」)
- 無線(むせん) - wireless radio
- 警視庁(けいしちょう) - place name?
- 各局(かいじ・つぼね?) - Kaiji Tsubone?
- 主犯(しゅはん) - principle offender/offense
- 後藤弘行(ごとう・ひろゆき) - Gotou Hiroyuki
- 湾岸警察署管内(わんがん・けいさつしょ・かんない) - within jurisdiction of gulf coast police
- 港(みなと)1丁目12番地 - harbor, block 1, house #12
- 現場(げんば) - scene of the crime
- 警視(けいし) - metropolitan police
- パトランプ - patrol lamp (siren light used by cops)
- 一網打尽(いちもうだじん) - group roundup, ambush arrest
- 第八強行犯捜査(だいはち・きょうこう・はん・そうさ) - 8th brigade of criminal investigation
- 刑事(けいじ) - detective
- 通称(つうしょう) - alias
- 小松原さん - Komatsubara ("Koma")
- 値上げ(ねあげ) - price mark-up
- 禁煙(きんえん) - quit smoking; smoking prohibited
- 和田さん - Wada ("Chanko")
- 元相撲部 - ex-sumo
- 柳さん - Yanagi ("Yana")
- 五十嵐さん - Igarashi ("Gara")
- あだ名 - nickname
- 漂う(ただよう) - to hang in the air, to drift about
- 桐島さん - Kirishima ("Kiri")
- 抵抗(ていこう) - resistance, opposition
- 包囲(ほうい) - to surround, to encircle, to siege
- 撃つ(うつ) - to shoot at; to attack
- ごっつあん - thank you (sumo slang!)
- 銃撃(しゅうげき) - shooting, gunning-down
- 弾(だん) - bullet
- 武器(ぶき) - weapon
- 機動隊(きどうたい) - riot police, riot squad
- 突入(とつにゅう) - rush in, break in
- マスコミ - the media
- 被疑者(ひぎしゃ) - suspect
- 逮捕する(たいほ) - to arrest
- 自白(じはく) - confession
- 裏付け(うらづけ) - support, guarantee, proof
- 捜査(そうさ) - search, investigation
- 取り調べ - investigation, examination, questioining
- 騒ぎ(さわぎ) - uproar
- 主任(しゅにん) - person in charge
- 重村さん - Shigemura ("Shige"; "落としのシゲ" = losing Shige)
- 長期戦(ちょうきせん) - drawn out war/contest
- 2人っきり(ふたりっきり) - just the two of them
- 放っとく(ほっとく) - to leave it/someone alone (ex. 「ほっとけ」)
- 無職(むしょく) - unemployed
- 般若心経(はんにゃしんぎょう) - Heart Sutra
- 門馬さん - Monma ("Boss")
- 係長 - head of the division?
- 加齢臭(かれいしゅう) - smell of elderly people
- 無茶(むちゃ) - absurd, unreasonable, excessive, rash
- ご苦労様 - thank you for your efforts, i appreciate the trouble you went through
- 何発(なんぱつ) - how many gunshots
- 経理 - management, accounting
- チクチク - prickling pain
- 発砲(はっぽう) - firing of gun, shooting
- コンテナ - container
- 一糸乱れぬ(いっし・みだれぬ) - everything in perfect order/harmony
- 団結力(だんけつりょく) - power/ability as a unit
- 治安課題(ちあん・かだい) - matters of public order
- 立ち向かう - to fight against, to face, to oppose
- 訓示(くんじ) - instruction, direction
- 打ち上げ - launch
- ぽっきり - merely
- 金一封(きんいっぷう) - gift of money; monetary reward?
- 物足りない - unsatisfactory
- 配属(はいぞく)される - to be assigned
- 聞き込み - collecting information through police investigation, interviewing witnesses, etc
- 聞き込み捜査 - house-to-house/person-to-person inquiry
- すっきり - clearly, neatly, cleanly, smoothly, without trouble, completely, etc
- 地道(じみち) - honest, steady, straightforward, sober
- 釣り鐘(つりがね) - temple bell (for striking)
- 主役(しゅやく) - leading role/actor
- 所轄(しょかつ) - jurisdiction
- 突き落す(つきおとす) - to push down/off (ex. a building)
- 鑑識(かんしき) - judgement
- 貰う(もらう)
- 口答え(くちごたえ) - back talk, retort
- 帽子(ぼうし)
- 死亡者(しぼうしゃ)
- 氏名(しめい) - full name, identity
- 難波浩二さん - Nanba Kouji
- 暴力団(ぼうりょくだん) - gangster organization, band of thugs, yakuza
- サラ金 - loan shark, scammers
- ヤミ金 - black market lending, illegal loan
- 「社会派ネタが専門だったようです」 - ???
- 推定(すいてい) - estimation, approximation, presumption
- 死因(しいん) - cause of death
- 脳挫傷(のうざしょう) - cerebral contusion
- 頭部(とうぶ) - head, cranium
- 転落(てんらく) - fall, spill, slump; degradation
- すり傷(きず) - scratch, graze, abrasion
- ~のみ - (suffix) only, nothing but
- 取り次ぎ - agency, commission
- 急用 - urgent business
- 香水(こうすい) - perfume
- 体臭(たいしゅう) - body odor
- 混じり合う(まじりあう) - to mix together, to blend, to mingle
- 利く(きく) - to be effective, to show effect; to do its work, to carry out its function well
- お嬢ちゃん(じょう) - unmarried woman, miss
- 強盗(ごうとう) - robber, mugger, burglar
- 勧める(すすめる) - to advise, to recommend, to encourage
- 敏感(びんかん) - sensibility, susceptibility
- 正義感(せいぎかん) - sense of justice
- 疑う(うたがう) - to doubt, to distrust, to be suspicious of
- たまえ - please (imperative request used by males)
- 青木琴美 - Aoki Kotomi
- 二重(にじゅう) - two-fold, double
- 口封じる - to prevent gossip???
- トップ - top position, senior
- 呼ばわり - to call/denounce someone a thief/criminal
- 狙われる - (passive) to be aimed at
- 常識(じょうしき) - common knowledge, common sense
- 格好(かっこう) - manner
- 偉い - admirable, respectable, distinguished, important
- 奴(やつ) - (derogatory) chap, fellow, guy; fool
- 身内(みうち) - members of the same organization
- 圧力(あつりょく) - stress, pressure
- 外される(はずされる) - to be removed, to be ousted
- 今さら - now (after such a long time), at this late hour
- 降りる(おりる) - give up
- 公用車 - official vehicle
- 翌日(よくじつ) - the next day
- 往復(おうふく) - round trip
- 警笛(けいてき) - alarm, siren, horn
- 不祥事(ふしょうじ) - scandal, deplorable behavior/event
- 隠ぺい(いんぺい)する - to conceal, to suppress
- そろえる - to put things in order, to arrange, to get something ready
- 承知(しょうち)する - to acknowledge, to be aware of
- 後にする - to leave behind, to put off, to postpone
- 味方(みかた) - friend, ally, supporter
- 引き取る(ひきとる) - to take charge of, to take over
- 手を引く - to withdraw, to step back from a matter
- 尾行(びこう) - shadow, tail, follow
- 出勤 - be at work
- 酢酸(さくさん) - acetic acid
- 薄める(うすめる) - to dilute, to water down
- 迫る(せまる) - to approach, to draw near, to be imminent; to press, to push, to urge, to compel
- 封筒(ふうとう) - envelope
- お札(おさつ、おふだ) - bill, note; charm
- 浅草(あさく) - dried nori/seaweed
- 取引(とりひき) - transactions, dealings, business
- 独演会(どくえんかい) - solo recital/performance
- 落語(らくご) - comic storyteller
- 連中(れんちゅう) - colleagues, company, lot, those guys
- しつこい - insistent, obstinate
- 姪っ子(めいっこ) - niece
- 親戚(しんせき) - relative/s
- お金渡し - money ferrying, money transferring
- 坊主(ぼうず) - Buddhist priest; crew cut; boy
- 弁護士(べんごし) - lawyer
- 養育費(よういくひ) - child support expenses
- 慰謝料(いしゃりょう) - consolation money
- 手柄(てがら) - achievement, feat, meritorious deed
- 浮かばれない - cannot rest in peace
- 「タレこみがあったんだよ」 - ???
- 往生際(おうじょうぎわ)が悪い - not knowing when to stop
- 担当(たんとう) - in charge of
- 勘弁(かんべん) - pardon, forgiveness, forbearance
- たまたま - casually, unexpectedly, accidentally, by chance
- 組(くみ) - group of people
- 漏らす(もらす) - to let leak, to reveal
- 鍵(かぎ)
- 貼り付ける(はりつける) - to attach to a surface, to paste/glue/affix
- ガセ情報 - faked information
- おびき出す - to lure out of, to decoy out of
- おとり捜査 - decoy/faked investigation
- 日付 - date, date stamp
- 手配(てはい)する - to search (by police)
- 居場所(いばしょ) - whereabouts, place, location
- 自首(じしゅ)する - surrender oneself, give up oneself
- 断ち切る(たちきる) - to cut apart; to sever ties, to break off relationships; to cut off an enemy's retreat, to block a road, etc
- ズルズル - play hookey, be away from work/etc without a good reason
- ワッパ - handcuffs; circular obento box; something ring-shaped
- 「お前が13係に来やがったせいだ」 - ???
- 志(こころざし) - will, intention, motive
- 貫く(つらぬく) - to go through
- 手錠(てじょう) - handcuffs
- 自覚(じかく) - self-awareness, self-consciousness
- 〇〇ならびに〇〇 - both xxx as well as xxx
- 信頼(しんらい) - trust, reliance, faith, confidence
- 処分(しょぶん) - disposal, dealing, punishment
- 対象(たいしょう) - target
- 当然 - natural, as a matter of course
- 拍手(かしわで) - clapping one's hands in prayer (usually at a shrine)
- まとも - decent, normal
- 「いいかげんに覚えてください」 - ???
- お手!お座り! - shake! sit! (when commanding a dog)
feb 24 2011 ∞
feb 26 2011 +