- 年賀(ねんが) - New Year's greeting card
- 葉書(はがき) - postcard
- 在朝(ざいちょう) - working under gov't
- 「いいんですか。こんなことやってて。」 - ???
- 出勤(しゅっきん)する - to go to work
- お呼び - call, invitation
- 番をする - to keep watch, to stand guard
- 「それはこっちのセリフですよ。」 - That's what I want to say!
- 強引(ごういん) - overbearing, pushy
- 取調べ - investigation
- 冤罪(えんざい) - false accusation, misinterpretation
- 危なっかしい - dangerous, risky
- 保障(ほしょう) - guarantee
- 警視庁(けいしちょう) - Metropolitan Police Dept
- 強行(きょうこう) - enforcement
- 殺人(さつじん)捜査13係(がかり)所属(しょぞく)の刑事 - one of 13 detectives belonging to a murder investigation
- 避難(ひなん) - escape, taking refuge, finding shelter
- 「一生を狂わせる」 - ???
- 机上の空論 - an idea that isn't worth the paper it's written on; impractical
- 行儀(ぎょうぎ) - manners, behavior
- 打つかる(ぶつかる) - to clash, to conflict
- 御利益(ごりやく) - grace (of God), divine favor, blessing
- 被害者(ひがいしゃ) - victim, injured party, sufferer
- 教諭(きょうゆ) - teacher (why don't they just say sensei or kyoushi??)
- 鋭利(えいり) - sharp
- 刃物(まるもの) - cutlery, edged tool
- 刺す(さす) - to stab, to pierce; 「刺されてる」 - has been stabbed
- 凶器(きょうき) - dangerous weapon
- 死体(したい) - dead body, corpse
- 早引き(はやびき) - leave work early
- 野郎(やろう) - rascal, idiot, pest
- 嘗める(なめる) - to make light of; 「〇〇ナメんなよ」 - don't make light of X!
- 足取り(あしどり) - trace/track (ex. of route taken by X)
- 嗅ぐ(かぐ) - to sniff, to smell
- 追跡(ついせき) - pursuit, tracking
- 紛れる(まぐれる) - to slip into, to mix into, to disappear into
- 方針(ほうしん) - objective, plan
- 容疑者(ようぎしゃ) - suspect, person
- 浮上(ふじょう)する - to surface
- 受け持つ(うけもつ) - to be in charge of
- 学年主任(がくねんしゅにん) - class official?
- 副主任(ふくしゅにん) - asst/vice official
- 返済(へんさい) - payment, reimbursement
- 揉める(もめる) - to disagree, to dispute over
- アリバイ - alibi
- 曖昧(あいまい) - vague, ambiguous, unclear
- 早急(さっきゅう) - urgent
- 怪しい(あやしい) - suspicious, dubious
- 万引(まんびき) - shoplifter
- 懇願(こんがん) - entreaty, supplication, petition
- かかわらず - in spite of, regardless of
- 興奮(こうふん)する - excite、stimulate, agitate
- 突っかかる(つっかかる) - to charge, to lunge, to rush
- 口走る(くちばしる) - to blurt out
- 警部(けいぶ) - police inspector
- 時刻(じこく) - instant, moment
- 直後(ちょくご) - immediately following
- 目深(まぶか) - wearing low over one's eyes
- 不審(ふしん) - suspicious, distrustful, strange
- 不詳(ふしょう) - unknown, unidentified
- ニット帽(ぼう) - knitted hat
- 人相(にんそう) - looks, description
- 中肉中背(ちゅうにくちゅうぜい) - medium build
- 刃渡り(まるわたり) - blade length
- 回収(かいしゅう)する - to collect, recover, retrieve
- 犯罪者(はんざいしゃ) - culprit, criminal
- 因果(いんが) - cause and effect, karma
- 出所(でどこ) - exit, departure, time to take action
- 打ち合わせ - business meeting, arrangement, appt
- 恨む(うらむ) - to resent; 「誰かに恨まれてる」 - to be resented by someone
- 愁傷(しゅうしょう) - grief, sorrow
- 婦警(ふけい) - policewoman
- 交通課(こうつうか) - traffic division
- 署(しょ) - police station
- 同行(どうこう) - accompaniment, traveling together
- 逮捕(たいほ) - arrest
- 任意(にんい) - free will, optional
- 拒否(きょひ)する - to deny, to decline, to refuse
- 構いません(かまいません) - no problem, it doesn't matter
- 主張(しゅちょう)する - to claim, to assert, to insist
- 崩れる(くずれる) - to crumble, to collapse
- 睨む(にらむ) - to glare at, to scowl at, to stare at; to suspect, to judge; to keep an eye on someone; to take into consideration
- 通報(つうほう)する - to report, to tip off
- 一致(いっち) - match, coincidence
- 鑑識(かんしき) - judgement, discernment
- 勤務(きんむ) - service, duty, work
- 外れる(はずれる) - to be off (of work), to be disconnected
- 配達(はいたつ) - delivery, distribution
- 出入り(ではいり)する - in and out, coming and going, free association
- 辻褄が合う(つじつま) - to be consistent, to be coherent
- 大前提(だいぜんてい) - major premise, principle
- 並み(なみ) - same level
- 解散(かいさん) - dismissal; breakup, dissolution
- 所轄(しょかつ) - jurisdiction
- 回る - to visit several places
- 引っ張る(ひっぱる) - to take someone to the police
- 息抜き(いきぬき)担当(たんとう) - taking a break from being in charge?
- 嗅覚(きゅうかく) - sense of smell
- 鋭さ(えいさ) - sharpness
- 動機(どうき) - motive, incentive
- 衝動(しょうどう) - impulse, urge
- 通り魔(とおりま) - random attacker
- 無差別(むさべつ) - indiscriminate
- 証言 - testimony
- 面通し - line up, match?
- 調べ尽くす - to investigate to exhaustion
- 近づく - to approach, to get close to
- 警告 - warning
- キレる - to snap, to get angry
- 総監(そうかん) - inspector general
- 寄る(よる) - to visit, to drop in
- 出世(しゅっせ) - promotion
- 拗ねる(すねる) - to pout, to sulk
- 横になる - to lie down
- 外回り(そとまわり) - outside work; (lit. perimeter, circumference
- 密会(みっかい) - secret meeting, rendezvous
- 振り出し - starting point
- 目配り(めくばり) - keeping an eye out
- 気にかかる - to weigh on one's mind
- 尾行(びこう) - shadow, tail, follow, trail, track
- 肥料(ひりょう) - manure, fertilizer
- 張り込む(はりこむ) - to be on the lookout, to lie in wait
- お釣り(おつり) - change
- 餡パン(あんぱん) - bread roll filled with anko
- 渋い(しぶい) - cool, an aura of refined masculinity
- 家庭菜園(さいえん) - kitchen garden
- 目障り(めざわり) - eyesore, unpleasant sight
- 拳銃(けんじゅう) - handgun, pistol
- 私服(しふく) - civilian clothes, plain clothes
- 持ち主(もちぬし) - owner
- ちくしょう - son of a bitch
- 保護(ほご)する - to save, to shelter, to rescue
- 緊急(きんきゅう) - urgent, pressing, emergency
- フリフリ - retarded?
- 監禁(かんきん)する - to confine, to imprison
- 惚ける(とぼける) - to play dumb, to feign ignorance
- てめぇ - (vulgar) you
- 犠牲(ぎせい) - sacrifice
- あっさり - easily, readily, quickly
- 白状(はくじょう)する - confess
- 違和感(いわかん) - uncomfortable feeling, nagging feeling
- 木炭(もくたん) - charcoal
- 硫黄粉末(いおうふんまつ) - sulfur powder
- 爆弾(ばくだん) - bomb
- 仕掛ける(しかkれる) - to set (ex. a bomb); to challenge
- 硝酸(しょうさん) - nitric acid
- 水栽培(みずさいばい) - hydroponics
- ウドンコ病 - powdery mildew
- 黒色火薬(こくしょくかやく) - gunpowder
- 乱暴(らんぼう) - violence
- 貴様 - you
- 避難 - evacuation, taking refuge
- 持ち場 - job, position, station
- 目眩(めまい) - dizziness
- 狙う(ねらう) - to aim at
- いいかげん - wreckless, careless, irresponsible
- 靴底(くつぞこ) - shoe sole
- 突き進む(つきすすむ) - to push forward
- ゴツン - thud
- 信頼(しんらい) - trust, reliance, faith
- 諸君(しょくん) - gentlemen (and ladies?)
feb 9 2011 ∞
feb 24 2011 +