- 配置(はいち) - stationing, arrangement, deployment; 「配置ついた」 - set in position
- 白髪(しろが) - white hair(ed)
- ヒゲ - moustache, beard, facial hair
- 見逃す(みのがす) - to miss, to overlook
- 警戒(けいかい) - to be vigilant, to be cautious, to be on guard
- 目を皿にする - to keep one's eyes wide open (like saucers)
- 気を抜く - to lose focus, to let one's mind wander, to lose guard
- 一件落着(いっけん・らくちゃく) - case closed
- 拍手(はくしゅ) - applause, clapping hands
- 勘(かん) - intuition, perception, sixth sense
- 「やってらんないっすよ こちとら。」 - ???
- 「お前、何様だ?」 - ???
- ホシ - suspect (police slang)
- 挙げる(あげる) - to arrest (police slang)
- 出かす(でかす) - to do, to achieve, to accomplish; 「出かした」 = same as 「できた」 & 「やった」
- 喧しい&八釜しい(やかましい) - noisy, boisterous; strict, faultfinding, fussy (there are two correct, seemingly equal ways of writing this word. weird.)
- 調子(ちょうし)に乗る(のる) - to be elated, to be excited, to be caught in the moment, to get carried away, to get cocky
- 腐る(くさる) - to rot, to go bad, to corrode
- 励ます(はげます) - to cheer, to encourage
- 確保(かくほ) - guarantee, maintain, ensure/insure, secure
- 待機(たいき) - alert, standby, wait for orders
- 「活躍(かつやく)してるようだね。」 - I see you're doing well in your work./I see you're active in your work.
- 恐縮(きょうしゅく) - sorry to trouble; with shame
- 預ける(あずける) - to leave in the care of, to give into custody, to entrust
- 緊急招集(きんきゅう・しょうしゅう) - urgent calling
- 鮫洲警察署(さめず・けいさつしょ) - Samezu Police Station?
- 品川 - Shinakawa? (family name)
- 強盗致死(ごうとう・ちし) - lethal burglar
- 東大崎一帯(ひがしおおさき・いったい) - Higashiosaki zone/region
- 未明(みめい) - early dawn
- 初動(しょどう) - initial
- 所轄(しょかつ) - jurisdiction
- あらまし - outline, gist, overview, summary
- 押し入り(おしいり) - break-in (ex. burglars)
- 現金(げんきん) - cash
- 刺される(さされる) - to be stabbed
- 重傷(おもで)or(じゅうしょう) - serious wound/injury
- 負う(おう) - to injure
- 逃走(とうそう) - flight, flee, escape
- 出動(しゅつどう)する - to dispatch, to send out
- 越す(こす) - to surpass, to exceed
- 共犯者(きょうはんしゃ) - accomplice, henchman
- 所在(しょざい) - whereabouts
- 騙される(だまされる) - to be tricked/deceived
- 付き合う(つきあう) - to associate with; to accompany; to go steady with; to get on with; to follow someone's lead
- 心当たり(こころあたり) - have some knowledge of, happen to know
- 襲う(おそう) - to attack, to hunt down
- 斉藤伸生さん - ??
- 先程(さきほど) - some time ago
- 刺す(さす) - to stab
- 中村健一さん - Nakamura Kenichi
- マージャン店 - mahjjong store/place
- 不動産会社(ふどうさん・かいしゃ) - real estate company
- 水商売(みずしょうばい) - nighttime entertainment business?
- 転がり込む(ころがりこむ) - to tumble into, to come to live with; to fall in one's way, to fall into one's lap
- 入手(にゅうしゅ)次第(しだい) - as soon as it comes into hand/is obtained
- 手分け(てわけ) - division of labor, delegation
- 身長(しんちょう) - height
- 細身(ほそみ) - narrow, slim, slender
- 根拠(こんきょ) - basis, foundation
- 領収書(りょうしゅうしょ) - receipt
- 部屋代(へや・だい) - room rent
- 経費(けいひ) - expenses, costs
- 優秀(ゆうしょう) - superior, excellence
- 給料(きゅうりょう) - salary, wages
- 差っ引く(さっぴく) - to deduct, to take from
- 職場(しょくば) - one's workplace
- 高飛び(たかとび)する - to escape, to flee
- 接触(せっしょく) - touch, contact
- 計算(けいさん) - calculation, reckoning, forecast
- 犬種(けんしゅ) - dog breed
- 凶悪犯(きょうあくはん) - heinous criminal
- 子煩悩(こぼんのう) - indulgent, fool
- 逃亡中(とうぼうちゅう) - fugitive, at large
- 目立つ(めだつ) - to be conspicuous, to stand out
- 昼間(ひるま) - daytime
- 鼾(いびき) - snoring
- 傷む(いたむ) - to go bad (ex. food)
- 「貸せっつうの。」 - ???
- 水洗(すいせん) - rinsing with water, flushing
- 自業自得(じごう・じとく) - reap what you sow; paying for one's mistakes
- 吠え声(ほえごえ) - bark, growl
- おとなしく - obediently, cooperatively
- 骨(ほね) - bone
- 折れる(おれる) - to break (ex. bone)
- 取り逃がす(とりにがす) - to miss capturing, to fail to catch
- 失態(しったい) - fault, error, failure, disgrace
- 腹痛(ふくつう) - stomach ache
- 捻挫(ねんざ) - spraining
- 自宅謹慎(じたく・きんしん) - house arrest
- 同情(どうじょう) - sympathy, compassion
- ドジ - blunder, clumsiness
- 網走 - Abashiri (city)
- 辺り(あたり or ほとり) - nearby, vicinity
- 函館 - Hakodate (city)
- 地方公務員(ちほう・こうむいん) - local government employee
- 都内(とない) - metropolitan area
- 八丈島 - Hachijo-jima / Hachijo Island
- 小笠原 - Ogasawara (city)
- 友情(ゆうじょう) - friendship
- おしまい - be done for, be the end of
- どいて - move! step aside!
- 噂(うわさ) - rumor, gossip, hearsay
- 例の(れいの) - the usual, as always
- 真面目(まじめ) - diligent, serious
- 引き止める - to restrain, to detain
- 解ける(とける) - to be removed
- 経つ(たつ) - to pass, to lapse
- 張り込み(はりこみ) - stakeout
- 愛人(あいじん) - mistress, lover
- 叩く(たたく) - to strike, to slap, to beat
- 斉藤 - Saitou or Maeda (name)
- 避ける(さける) - to avoid (a situation)
- 全額(ぜんがく) - total, full amount, sum
- 被害に遭った(ひがい・に・おった) - met with damage
- 指紋(しもん) - fingerprint
- 成仏(じょうぶつ) - enter Nirvana, go to heaven, rest in peace
- 名誉挽回(めいよばんかい) - restoring one's impaired reputation; redeeming oneself
- 乙女チック(おとめちっく) - girly
- 鑑識作業(かんしき・さぎょう) - judgement work/operation?
- 共同作業(きょうどう・さぎょう) - group work
- 行成(いきなり) - abruptly, suddenly, without warning
- 目線(めせん) - one's gaze, from the point of view of
- 体重(たいじゅう) - body weight
- 首輪(くびわ) - necklace, choker, collar
- 汁粉(しるこ) - sweet red bean soup
- お参り(おまいり)する - to visit a shrine
- 自首(じしゅ) - surrender, give up oneself
- 盗む(ぬすむ) - to steal
- 最中(さなか) - in the middle of, in the midst of
- 罪(つみ) - crime, sin
- 償う(つぐなう) - to make up for, to atone for
- 地検(ちけん) - District Public Prosecutor's Office
- 送検(そうけん)する - sending the accused person to the prosecutor
- きっちり - punctually, on the dot, precisely; closely, tightly; without fail
- 割り勘(わりかん) - splitting the cost
- 主題歌(しゅだいか) - theme song
- 抽選(ちゅうせん) - lottery, raffle
feb 24 2011 ∞
mar 1 2011 +