- Swim in one of the Great Lakes
- Get a bikini wax
- ✔ Get a Mystic spray tan
- ✔ Get properly fitted for a bra
- ✔ Go to New York City
- ✔ Travel to another continent
- ✔ Renew my passport
- Get out of debt
- ✔ Buy 1 pair of expensive, hot, sexy shoes
- ✔ Buy a new laptop
- Purchase an original piece of art
- ✔ Buy/lease a new car
- Make Creme Brulee
- Buy a piece of jewelry from Tiffany's
- Buy something fabulous from a flea market
- Buy something fabulous from a garage sale
- Learn how to knit and knit something wearable
- ✔ Learn how to build a website
- Learn all the astrological signs and corresponding times/months
- ✔ Go to a Oklahoma City Barons hockey game
- Learn how to peel an apple in one long strip
- Paint something I am proud of
- Drink 8 glasses of water a day for 1 month
- Take up yoga/pilates
- Take a self-defense course
- Enjoy a day of disconnect (no T.V., computer, radio, car, phone)
- Use those teeth-whitening strips
- Go for a walk every night for 2 weeks
- Build it up to running every night for 2 weeks
- ✔ Get up early just to watch the sun rise, at least once
- Give up my cell phone
- ✔ Spend an entire day watching movies in the theatre
- See a play at Stratford
- Go to a concert and sit front row
- Test drive a ridiculously expensive car
- Get a book signed by the author
- Go to a psychic for a reading
- Go on a totally awesome weekend road-trip
- Meet someone famous
- Spend a day in the city by myself
- ✔ Have a crazy-wild 30th birthday
- Take 1001 photos
- Have crazy sex in an expensive hotel
- Stay out all night and sleep in all day at least once
- Get completely drunk on champagne
- ✔ Bake a cake from scratch
- Try food that scares me
- Go one week without screaming at anyone in traffic
- ✔ Spend an afternoon with my grandmother
- Ask for a raise because I'm worth it and get it
- Go one day without swearing once
- Have a day where I am only positive about myself
- Blog everyday for 1 month
- Do at least 5 random acts of kindness
- Pay for the person behind me in the drive thru
- Get a wok and make stir fry
- ✔ Update my resume
- Make a kick-butt workout playlist
- Write out a list of 100 things I love
- Make homemade soap
- Make homemade candles
jun 6 2010 ∞
mar 17 2015 +