Jessica's listography
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I'm just a bibliophile who loves making lists. What?
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to do
(Things to Do Before I Die)
Learn to ballroom dance with Tim
Learn French fluently
Become a better cook
Become a fantastic cake baker
Learn to sew and repair clothes
Practice photography and learn to take great shots
See all of the Oscar nomination movies each year
Go witness the Olympics
Travel the world
Learn to knit and crochet
Start a book club
Get published in a scrapbook magazine
Learn how to garden
Read more often
Start and finish a Project 365 photo project
Visit all 50 States
Frame some of my favorite scrapbook layouts and hang them up
Learn how to fold origami
Go to Times Square on New Years Eve
Cook a Turkey for Thanksgiving
Make a couple of recipes from Julia Child's cookbook
Finish scrapbooks that I have started
Roadtrip all over the country
Train trip with Tim
European trip with Tim
Ride the London eye
Learn some Italian
Go scuba diving
Stay a night at the Library Hotel in NYC
Swim with dolphins
Go on a cruise
Go to Mardi Gras in New Orleans
Learn how to draw
Go nude for a day
Read as many books as I can
Go dog sledding
Stay in the ice hotel
Wear a large hat at the Kentucky Derby
Wear a trenchcoat with nothing underneath
See the Northern Lights
Ride a camel in the desert and see the Pyramids
Ride in a hot air balloon
Sing Karaoke
Go whale watching
Kiss in the rain
Play in the mud
Take a martial arts class
Perform on stage
Write a song and lyrics
Visit all continents except Antartica
Go parasailing
Take a yoga class
Learn to play guitar
Build a huge sandcastle
Go skinny dipping
Go to 10 new restaurants before I am 30
Own a home
Have children
Get married
Taste wine in Tuscany
Go to Disney World
Eat a croissant at a French cafe
Complete home renovations--diy
Learn to conquer fear of horseback riding
Learn to drive a car manually
Have my fortune read
Watch at least 10 tv shows-complete all seasons
Watch at least 150 movies by Jan 2011
Save up for Vegas trip
Save up for Europe trip
Save up for Caribbean cruise
Knit a cable sweater
Create a romantic weekend tradition for Tim at least 4 times a year
Learn how to say I love you in 5 languages
Write a children's book
Learn how to bellydance
Learn to dance the Thriller routine
Ride in a gondola in Venice, Italy
Watch the launch of the Space Shuttle
Walk on the Great Wall of China
See a lunar eclipse
Learn to juggle
Learn to bartend properly
Drive a convertible with the top down and music blaring
Have my portrait painted
Send a message in a bottle
Fly first class
Skydive--indoor at least
Be interviewed on TV
Visit ground zero
Visit Area 51
Learn how to play golf
Try fencing
Learn to surf
Run a half marathon
Ride a mechanical bull
Go fire walking
Fire a gun
See the Grand Canyon
See the Great Barrier Reef
Climb up the Statue of Liberty
Learn to sculpt
Learn how to brew beer
Discover what makes me truly happy
Allow myself to make mistakes
Develop good habits
Shop at Harrods in London
Go to the Monaco Grand Prix and gamble in one of the casinos
Visit some of the world's most unique and wacky hotels
Build a snowman
Visit Pearl Harbor
Visit the Top 10 US Zoos
Drive the Autobahn
Go to the Rock 'n' Roll Hall of Fame
Attend my high school reunion
Kiss on top of the Eiffel Tower
Complete my Oklahoma travel list
Take Tim to a great concert
Get a tattoo
Go for a helicopter ride
Adopt a dog
jun 6 2010 ∞
aug 7 2015 +