• Dear Diary Lesley Arfin (for anyone interested in drugs, straight edge, growing up, sex, being a girl, hardcore, punk, raves, college, or hitting rock bottom)
  • The Perks of Being a Wallflower Stephen Chobsky (I read this in 8th or 9th grade and instantly fell in love, this was my third time reading it and it's been a great reminder of why this book is so great)
  • On The Road Jack Kerouac (seriously such a brilliant writer, this makes me want to travel so badly, interested in reading more JK)
  • Running with Scissors Augusten Bourroughs (such a page turner, I really like memoirs and think it is amazing the kind of lives that some people live)
  • A Million Little Pieces James Grey (this was so so good, really sad, intense, & emotional)
  • My Friend Leonard James Grey (like the previous, but this was somewhat more engaging)
  • Shopgirl Steve Martin (I loved this little novel, it played out perfectly)
  • Twilight, New Moon & Eclipse Stephanie Meyers (fuck off)
mar 30 2009 ∞
jan 3 2010 +