• Taxi Driver (Fell asleep halfway through but have already seen in the end, so I have about 30 mins to catch up on, but this movie is really good)
  • The Strangers (this movie is still really scary)
  • Trekkies (As prep for my presentation for MCS, a bunch of nerds raving about Star Trek, it was pretty funny)
  • Aguirre, Wrath of God (for history of film, a good movie but it really bored me at then time and was in German so it was hard to multitask which i really wanted to do)
  • The Lives of Others (for history of film, I loved this movie! It was very interesting to watch and I did not mind at all that this was in German!)
  • The Talented Mr. Ripley (w/ mom, I liked this so much and thought Matt Damon was excellent in it)
  • Factory Girl (w/ Julie, this was a good movie but it was really depressing to watch, the resemblance between Edie Sedgwick and Sienna Miller is pretty ridiculous)
  • Little Women (w/ my mom, I LOVE this movie ever since I was little, it makes me cry really hard but it's so good, I eventually need to read the book)
  • Twilight (w/ my mom, she's pretty obsessed and made me watch, I didn't think it was that bad but pretty overrated nonetheless, I do however get the hype about Robert Pattinson in this movie)
  • Halloween (w/ Mark, Lindsay, & Jason, it was Rob Zombie's version and I enjoyed it a lot! RZ kinda rules at horror)
  • Trainspotting (w/ Mark, this was great, really funny away of approaching heroin addicts and so enjoyable to watch!)
  • Murder by Numbers (Ryan Gosling is very attractive and I really like Micheal Pitt in anything he does)
  • Drag Me to Hell (saw in theaters, it was definitely campy and if i take it from that angle then i liked it, but from a general horror angle it was really corny and dumb)
  • The Hangover (so fucking funny, i died the whole time)
  • Year One (this made me a laugh a lot but not as much as I was expecting, i did like it though)
  • The Cable Guy (Jim Carrey is definitely one of my favorite comedic actors, perhaps number one)
  • Fingerprints (this movie sucked, about the little children ghosts pushing your car over the train tracks myth, starred Kristin Cavalleri? Yeah did I mentioned it sucked?)
  • Oldboy (This movie was so goooood! the plot was crazy and terrific)
may 3 2009 ∞
jul 1 2009 +