Write 5 things, these can be peoples names, places, emotions, a film title, song title, band, anything that sums up your day, do it each day on your listography for a year, copy and paste this at the top of the list so people know what this list is all about. Start Date: 01/01/14


  • 01/01/14: New year's eve/day, Wendy and Nina here, tired, visiting grandparents, Sherlock.
  • 02/01/14: Sleeping in very very late, started in 'This is not a book' again, started drawing in my Notebook again, nauseated, watching a movie with my mum.
  • 03/01/14: Amsterdam with Nina, bought books from giftcards, bought a scrapbook for concert photos, went to the movies, rainy day.
  • 04/01/14: Lazy day, All of me - John Legend, looking for inspiration, watching movies, feeling sort of sad for no reason.
  • 05/01/14: Last day of vacation, lazy Sunday, still sad, cranky, Sherlock.
  • 06/01/14: Exhausted, last day of my internship, in need of vacation, sudoku, reading.
  • 07/01/14: First day of my new internship, long day, still tired as hell, headache, Green Lantern.
  • 08/01/14: No school, tired, party themes asylum 12 announced, deciding what to wear, Frozen.
  • 09/01/14: Catching up with series, stressing about school, stressing about money, feeling sick, Extremely Loud & Incredibly close.
  • 10/01/14: Still feeling blegh, plus feeling sort of disoriented, sudoku, sudoku, more sudoku.
  • 11/01/14: Is it Saturday??, and sunny?, watching movies all day, fries, sudoku (again).
  • 12/01/14: Sleeping in, lazy day, feeling sick still, sims, Sherlock
  • 13/01/14: First lesson this internship, ordered colouring books, sims, ear hurts like hell, tired.
  • 14/01/14: Internship, fire drill, Delivery Man with Nina and Jim, Subway, stress.
  • 15/01/14: Sick, sleeping in, don't feel like doing anything, catching up with all my series, sudoku.
  • 16/01/14: Feeling sick, feeling stressed, got my colouring book, figuring out what to do with school, Extremely Loud And Incredily Close.
  • 17/01/14: 'Inlevermoment', actually feeling better, Paranormal Activity: The Marked Ones, slammed, MGMT.
  • 18/01/14: Reading till very late, Amsterdam with Nina, making plans, Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit, The Wolf Of Wallstreet.
  • 19/01/14: Reading, colouring, Divergent, more reading, lazy day.
  • 20/01/14: Good day at my internship, Julia's, Maroon 5 concert, with my mum, great night.
  • 21/01/14: Not my day, tired, sorting out my concert photos, post-concert depression, reading.
  • 22/01/14: Sleeping in, presentation at school, Supernatural, watching other series, more series.
  • 23/01/14: Doctor's appointment, Amsterdam with Wendy, looking for (and buying) dvds at Fame, Supernatural magazine, Soof with Nina Priscilla and Wendy.
  • 24/01/14: Amsterdam again, buying make-up for zombie costume, shopping, ordered photos, watching series.
  • 25/01/14: Sleeping in, sudoku, watching series all day, started watching Chuck, Insurgent.
  • 26/01/14: Booked my flight for Asylum 12, just 108 more days, Chuck, colouring, Allegiant.
  • 27/01/14: Long day, internship, tests at school, ruzzle, reading.
  • 28/01/14: Really tired, internship, Ender's game, going to bed early, reading.
  • 29/01/14: Got my concert photos, organized them, watching series, put stuff in my notebook, Supernatural.
  • 30/01/14: Doctor's appointment, freezing cold, Chuck, OneRepublic, Jason Manns stageit show.
  • 31/01/14: Watching Chuck all day, the Killers worldstage show on MTV, seeing my face on tv all the time, reliving the concert, post-concert depression all over again.


  • 01/02/14: Watching Chuck all day, feeling sick, head hurts, throat hurts, nauseated.
  • 02/02/14: Still sick, but a bit better, watching Chuck, preparing for Minor tomorrow, reading.
  • 03/02/14: Internship, feeling really sick, got an internship in year 7 for minor, start minor Early English, really nice class.
  • 04/02/14: Internship, still not feeling well, Dallas Buyers Club, tired, 100 days till Asylum 12!
  • 05/01/14: Sleeping in, minor, feeling better, but really tired, catching up with series.
  • 06/01/14: Going to school early to work and print, ended up doing nothing, giving a workshop at school with Celina, printing stuff at my dad's work, watching series.
  • 07/02/14: Started reading The Lightning Thief, went to school to hand something in, Only Lovers Left Alive, American Hustle, reading.
  • 08/02/14: Lazy day, watching series, planning a bit, watching more series, reading.
  • 09/02/14: Writing down what I have to do for school, planning, sort of planning a trip to London, preparing for minor English, reading.
  • 10/02/14: Internship, minor, guest lecture, finally getting some ideas for my English lessons, reading Percy Jackson.
  • 11/02/14: Internship, first time at year 7, planned my English lessons, got some nice ideas, saw the Lego movie.
  • 12/02/14: Tired, minor, watching series, looking for zombie make-up ideas, going to bed early.
  • 13/02/14: Helping with workshops at school, going to Nina, looking for concerts, planning a trip to London this june, oops.
  • 14/02/14: Still at Nina's, tried some zombie looks with make up, booked the bus trip to London, watching Remember Sunday, freezing cold.
  • 15/02/14: Playing dumb ways to die, putting the remaining photos of Asylum10 in my A10 notebook, making drawings in my 5 things a day notebook, organizing my laptop, and my notes.
  • 16/02/14: Sleeping in really late, beginning with my concert photobook, organizing photos, preparing my English presentation for tomorrow, reading.
  • 17/02/14: Internship, orange paint all over me, minor, boring guest lecture, tired.
  • 18/02/14: Internship, first English lesson, tiring day, bringin up Asylum10 memories, That Awkward Moment.
  • 19/02/14: Minor, English presentation, watching series, started reading Sea Of Monsters, really excited for Birmingham and London!
  • 20/02/14: Giving a workshop at school, not a nice group, watching series, Jason Manns stageit show, put some stuff on my door.
  • 21/02/14: Amsterdam with Nina, Devil's Due, Vampire Academy, eating at Rimini, having drinks.
  • 22/02/14: Doing a little budgetting, looking things up for London, making a checklist for Asylum12, having to look for Costa, reading.
  • 23/02/14: Feeling nauseated, started reading Vampire Academy, watching Pride & Prejudice, also ordered the book, going to bed early.
  • 24/02/14: Bought a spn tshirt from qwertee, watched movies all day, Pride & Prejudice again, Spectacular Now, annoyed.
  • 25/02/14: Couldn't sleep again, my dad's birthday, Subway, saw The Monuments Men, really tired.
  • 26/02/14: Watching series, Supernatural, The To Do List, reading His Dark Materials trilogy, vacation almost over.
  • 27/02/14: Looking for old photos, sorting them out, watching series, looking how to pay for Shakespeare's Globe, reading.
  • 28/02/14: Got a subscription on Loki Agent Of Asgard comic, bought last season of That 70s Show, bought a tablet, ate at KFC for the first time, went to the movies.


  • 01/03/14: Playing with my tablet, legs are hurting, stumble upon, 'Weet ik veel',looking for inspiration.
  • 02/03/14: Preparing all my English lessons, doing some homework, planning, making lists, reading.
  • 03/03/14: Internship, OneRepublic concert, with Priscilla, great night, but back and legs hurt like hell.
  • 04/03/14: Legs still hurt, lovely weather, organizing photos of last night, really tired, watching series.
  • 05/03/14: Minor, very boring, talking about cities, watching lots of series, reading.
  • 06/03/14: Giving a workshop, watching series, Fall Out Boy, reading, tired.
  • 07/03/14: Sleeping in, re-organizing book shelf, and DVDs, watching series, excited about tomorrow.
  • 08/03/14: Fall Out Boy concert, The Pretty Reckless support act, with Emma andd Lizzy, instead of alone, great night.
  • 09/03/14: Catching up with some series, organizing concert photos of last night, downloading music, making high-tea plans, reading.
  • 10/03/14: Internship, first day without wearing a jacket outside, test at school, Once Upon A Time, freezing cold at night.
  • 11/03/14: First lesson English year 7, went very well, saw 300: Rise Of An Empire, Friday The 13th (2009), tired.
  • 12/03/14: Minor, boring, great weather, feeling sad about not going to pinkpop, watching series.
  • 13/03/14: Workshop, planning start to run programm, talking about supernatural convention, and helping with it, watching series.
  • 14/03/14: Started running again, felt great, Primark, The Grand Budapest Hotel, Her.
  • 15/03/14: Legs hurt because of running, not used to it anymore, watching series, bought a ticket to Hamlet globe to globe tour, 'Weet Ik Veel'.
  • 16/03/14: Running, made a budget for asylum12 and london, final three guests for asylum12 were announced, a lot of stress and excitement, going to meet Jared Padalecki in two months!
  • 17/03/14: Stayed at home, not feeling very well, slept all day, mum's 50th birthday, started rewatching Supernatural season eight and nine.
  • 18/03/14: Internship, Loki comic, Robocop, being crazy with Nina (as usual), Teen Wolf.
  • 19/03/14: Running, voting, watching series, making plans for an Asylum10 reunion in London, watching more series.
  • 20/03/14: Workshop, feeling good, decorating something for grandparents, putting movie tickets in notebook, writing things in 5 things a day journal.
  • 21/03/14: Made drawings in 5 things a day journal, stress about hotel for Asylum 12 (Martina can't go), but also really excited for A12, Subway, went to the movies.
  • 22/03/14: Sleeping in, watching series, We Are Scientists concert, really nice, reading.
  • 23/03/14: Running, watching series, New York Minute, tired, reading.
  • 24/03/14: Internship, no minor, tired, planned to go to bed really early, obviously failed.
  • 25/03/14: Internship, found a roommate for Asylum 12, Loki comic 2, saw Best Night Ever, still tired.
  • 26/03/14: Didn't go running, didn't feel so good, written and oral exam, minor is over now, watching series.
  • 27/03/14: Workshop, went home earlier, Supernatural, really sick, fever.
  • 28/03/14: Feeling really sick, still got a fever, watching stupid TV shows, sleeping, more sleeping.
  • 29/03/14: Didn't go to imagicon, still sick, sleeping, watching series, feeling better during the day.
  • 30/03/14: Not doing much, Boyce Avenue concert, with Manon, really nice, tired.
  • 31/03/14: Internship, got home early, watching series, going to bed early, reading.


  • 01/04/14: Internship, picture day, Captain America: Winter Soldier, crazyness, nice day.
  • 02/04/14: Running, was nice, The Book Thief, Jason Manns is coming to Asylum 12, reading.
  • 03/04/14: Workshop, last time, doing some homework, stressed, reading.
  • 04/04/14: Handing something at school, doing pretty much nothing at home, watching series, stumbleupon, reading.
  • 05/04/14: Nice day with the family (because grandparents are married for 50 years), taking pictures with everyone, having diner, fun with helium, seeing a bit of Louden Swain's stageit show later.
  • 06/04/14: Didn't go running, excited for the next three months, saw Iron Man 1, and Iron Man 2, reading.
  • 07/04/14: Internship, colouring, reading, really really tired, went to bed early.
  • 08/04/14: Internship, went well, stormy day, saw Divergent, tired.
  • 09/04/14: Sleeping in, watching series, Iron Man 3, going to bed early, reading.
  • 10/04/14: School, Alkmaar, with Rowan Ivana and Celina, La Place, made a test.
  • 11/04/14: 'VVE Thuis' at internship, Amsterdam with Nina, Kill Your Darlings, Captain America: The Winter Soldier, Snowpiercer.
  • 12/04/14: Sleeping in, watching movies, X-Men, and X2: X-Men United, tired.
  • 13/04/14: Didn't go running, doing a bit of homework, watching X-Men: The Last Stand, reading, waiting for pricelist A12.
  • 14/04/14: Internship, last English lesson year 1/2, horrible day, Once Upon A Time, really really tired.
  • 15/04/14: Internship, last English lesson year 7, comics, upgraded Pathé Unlimited to Unlimited Gold, Rio 2.
  • 16/04/14: Running, watching series, Supernatural, being really happy about the episode/Supernatural, reading.
  • 17/04/14: New minor 'VVE' in Den Haag, meeting with Wendy, talking about London, and Asylum10/12, watching series.
  • 18/04/14: Did some shopping (with giftcards), saw Noah, Captain America: The Winter Soldier for the third time, and Pompeii, only four weeks till Asylum12!
  • 19/04/14: High tea with Priscilla Emma and Lizzy, looking for notebook inspiration, Rianne's birthday, went home early, really tired.
  • 20/04/14: Easter, brunch, started in new notebook, started in Asylum12 notebook, watching series.
  • 21/04/14: Homework, put some photos in concert book, watching series, wrote things in 5 things a day journal, and made some drawings/doodles.
  • 22/04/14: Internship, Tomorrow People, homework, seeing a bit of Jason Manns' stageit show, more homework.
  • 23/04/14: Shitty day, mum got bad news from the doctor, doing a lot of homework, handing portfolio in at school, watching series.
  • 24/04/14: Minor, boring, my mum went to the hospital, got a giraffe from Nina, The Amazing Spider-Man 2.
  • 25/04/14: Going to Nina, we bought our Asylum 14 tickets, staining our Asylum 12 outfit with tea, watching Supernatural, reading.
  • 26/04/14: King's day, went to the king's day market with my mum and Ron, put all my concert photos (the ones I printed) in my concert photobook, filled my Asylum 12 notebook, creative day.
  • 27/04/14: Sudoku, put tickets in notebook, made some drawings in my notebook, inspiration, reading.
  • 28/04/14: Sleeping in, drawing, Once Upon A Time, X-Men: First Class, more drawing.
  • 29/04/14: Sleeping in again, cleaning my room, sudoku, went to the movies, The Other Woman.
  • 30/04/14: Running, cleaning my room, eating at Rimini, Hamlet shakespeare's globe, Nina stayed here.


  • 01/05/14: Went to Ikea with Nina, bought some stuff, ate there, went to the doctor's for my ears, watching series.
  • 02/05/14: Movies with Nina, Oculus, Muppets Most Wanted, The Amazing Spider-Man 2 for the second time, trains didn't go at night.
  • 03/05/14: Watching series, reading, went to Jessica's place, with Rianne and Priscilla, was really nice.
  • 04/05/14: Running, made a checklist for asylum 12, looking for photos I want to print, two minutes of silence, watching series.
  • 05/05/14: Bevrijdingspop, with Nina, kinda boring, De Staat was nice though, tired.
  • 06/05/14: Internship, really tired, watching series, getting really excited for Asylum 12, next week!!
  • 07/05/14: Cleaned out my closet a bit, started packing for Asylum 12, watching series, Supernatural, sudoku.
  • 08/05/14: Minor, meeting up with Wendy, watching series, got the pricelist for Asylum12, freaking out!
  • 09/05/14: Sleeping in, writing in my Asylum12 notebook, sudoku, Supernatural, reading.
  • 10/05/14: Got a new haircut, love it, Supernatural, Eurovision Songfestival, no more Jim Beaver at Asylum12.
  • 11/05/14: Watched TSA America on stageit, reading, way too excited, totally not thinking about school, did some packing.
  • 12/05/14: Internship, being really hyperactive/excited, also very tired, went to the movies with Amber Jim Nina, Bad Neighbours.
  • 13/05/14: Internship, Amsterdam with Nina, bought comics, bought stuff for Asylum12, really tired.
  • 14/05/14: Did some shopping with my mum, checked in to my flight to Birmingham, final packing, watching series, stressing and freaking out.
  • 15/05/14: Flying to Birmingham, city centre, lot of shit with the hotel room, registering for asylum 12, planning things for this weekend.
  • 16/05/14: Buying photo ops and autographs, taking pictures of/with the impala, Dutchie meeting, Tube Party, so much fun.
  • 17/05/14: Jason Manns gig, taking a lot of pictures, watching panels, meeting the actors, Zombie vs humans party.
  • 18/05/14: Last day of Asylum 12, getting all the autographs, closing ceremony, hanging out with Laura & Steve in their room, a lot of fun.
  • 19/05/14: Saying goodbye to friends and Birmingham, flying home, visiting my mum in the hospital, sorting out a couple of asylum 12 pictures, tired.
  • 20/05/14: Internship, went home early, extremely tired, diner at Peter and Diane's, visiting my mum.
  • 21/05/14: Went to visit my mum alone, supernatural season finale, post con-depression, first day at 'work' with Petra, more supernatural.
  • 22/05/14: Minor, really tired, watching series, Supernatural season finale again, reading.
  • 23/05/14: Finally able to sleep in, bought some Supernatural books, went to the movies with Nina, Godzilla, X-Men: Days Of Future Past.
  • 24/05/14: Work till 13.00, buying frames for my photo ops, picking up mum from the hospital, Denise's birthday, bad luck.
  • 25/05/14: Work till 13.00, went straight to Amsterdam after, free Passenger gig in Vondelpark, continuing my Asylum 12 story, started with #100happydays.
  • 26/05/14: Didn't feel so good, stayed at home, put my photos from asylum 10 and asylum 12 in (new) frames, worked on my asylum 12 story, watching series.
  • 27/05/14: Sleeping in, cleaning a bit, watching series, tired, done.
  • 28/05/14: Watching series, and movies, reading, diner with my mum and Ron, late night visit to the hospital.
  • 29/05/14: Sleeping in, watching series, relaxing day, Secret Window, reading.
  • 30/05/14: Working till 13.00, applied to summer job, went to Action, happy memory jar, started watching the secret circle.
  • 31/05/14: The Secret Circle, cleaning, Jason Manns stageit show, more series, tired.


  • 01/06/14: Sleeping in, watching the secret circle all day, hanging asylum10 and asylum12 photos on the wall, supposed to do homework, stressing a lot.
  • 02/06/14: Internship, stressing day, stressing a lot, but not doing anything, reading.
  • 03/06/14: Internship, Maleficent, got Nina's dayzero letter, really sweet, bought a ticket to see George Ezra in November.
  • 04/06/14: Sleeping in, went to see my mum, stressing a lot, doing some homework, Awkward.
  • 05/06/14: Last day of minor, presentation, catching up with Wendy, tired, reading.
  • 06/06/14: Working, cleaning everything, the 100, reading, tired.
  • 07/06/14: Working, cleaning the house, with Dennis, really tired afterwards, my mum got home.
  • 08/06/14: Sleeping in, really hot day, finally went for a run again, really nice, and went really well.
  • 09/06/14: Working, nice day, but am really tired, bucket list, 10 Things I Hate About You.
  • 10/06/14: Got out of bed early, didn't feel like doing anything, walking through the rain, A Million Ways To Die In The West, Whose Line Is It Anyway.
  • 11/06/14: Running, doing some homework, stressing a lot, watching Chuck, tired and cranky.
  • 12/06/14: VVE test in the morning, I've got a job for the summer at Evean Guisveld!, went to sign some papers, did a loooot of homework, tired of school.
  • 13/06/14: Very shitty morning, handed stuff in at school, Edge Of Tomorrow, X-Men Days Of Future Past again, Walking on Sunshine
  • 14/06/14: Not having to do anything for school, watching Chuck, drawing, doodling, sudoku.
  • 15/06/14: Working in the backyard a bit, working on my bucket list, running, well actually walking, making a checklist for London
  • 16/06/14: Internship, had to fill in for someone, test at school, Fantastic Beasts and Where To Find Them, planning meetings for week in London.
  • 17/06/14: Internship, Amsterdam with Nina, gave my present, more planning for London, Walking On Sunshine again.
  • 18/06/14: Preparing for London, ordered a Supernatural shirt, watching series, Mamma Mia, tired.
  • 19/06/14: Work, not feeling very well, not doing anything, watching series, reading.
  • 20/06/14: Went to school to talk, going to start in year three again next year, Walk Of Shame, Transcendence, Walking On Sunshine again.
  • 21/06/14: Working, packing, one day till London, reading, excited.
  • 22/06/14: Work til 13.00, final packing, Orphan Black, on our way to London, watching the sunrise from the ferry.
  • 23/06/14: National Gallery, Covent Garden, Harry Potter shop, Joanne and Karina meeten, Sherlock stuff.
  • 24/06/14: Bookshops, Primark, Camden town and market, Camilla meeten, Poppies.
  • 25/06/14: Wendy meeten, Stonehenge, Bath, Jane Austen centre, Trafalgar square.
  • 26/06/14: Walking around oxford/regent/picadilly street, Hamley's, Shakespeare's Globe, Julius Caesar, Greenwich.
  • 27/06/14: Museum Of London, meeting Laura Jess and Tundde, Speedy's, Purikura, Forbidden Planet.
  • 28/06/14: Dominique Jess and Charlotte meeten, a lot of rain, Pret A Manger, Strada, on our way back home.
  • 29/06/14: Tiring journey, back home, sorting out all my photos, went to bed early, reading.
  • 30/06/14: Almost overslept, internship, Walking On Sunshine for the fourth time, bought tickets for Monty Python live at pathe, reading.


  • 01/07/2014: Last day of internship, felt really weird, got nice presents, watching some series, reading.
  • 02/07/2014: First day of work (not volunteering), tired, bought tickets to see We Are Scientists, and Morning Parade, reading.
  • 03/07/2014: Working, going to school, for nothing, registering for gishwhes, sorting out photos to print.
  • 04/07/2014: Working, on 'my own', swirl, Jersey Boys, Walking On Sunshine for the fifth time.
  • 05/07/2014: Redecorated my door, organized my book'shelf', watching series, ordered photos, How To Train Your Dragon.
  • 06/07/2014: Put movie tickets and London stuff in book, caught up with five things a day in journal, and made drawings, reading all day, Harry Potter.
  • 07/07/2014: Sleeping in, working, really tiring day, reading, going to bed kinda early.
  • 08/07/2014: Rainy day, watching series, working, nice day at work, came home soaked from the rain.
  • 09/07/2014: Working, got a letter from school, need to go to a 'hearing', stressed, reading.
  • 10/07/2014: Sleeping in, watching series all day, got my supernatural shirt, love it, still a bit stressed.
  • 11/07/2014: Got the photos I ordered in the mail, did a bit of homework, really hot day, head hurt, reading.
  • 12/07/2014: Didn't feel very well, should've done homework, started watching The Walking Dead, Louden Swain acoustic stageit show, more Walking Dead.
  • 13/07/2014: Still not feeling very well, doing homework, watching The Walking Dead in between, doing more homework, finally done with it.
  • 14/07/2014: Hearing at school, sucked, still don't know anything, working, put some photos in concert book.
  • 15/07/2014: Sleeping in, went to bed late last night, working till 20.30, started with my Asylum 12 story, reading.
  • 16/07/2014: Walking On Sunshine sixth time, The Fault In Our Stars, Step Up 5: All In, How To Train Your Dragon 2, Ben & Jerry's.
  • 17/07/2014: Watching The Walking Dead all day, talking about cosplaying, making plans for Dutch comic con, Jason Manns stageit show, can't sleep.
  • 18/07/2014: Working, super hot day, put photos in concert book, drawing Thor cosplay, watching The Walking Dead.
  • 19/07/2014: Working 12.00 - 21.00, long and hot day, but was kinda nice, watching series, tired.
  • 20/07/2014: Working till 13.00, going to Amsterdam with Nina, lovely weather, Monty Python live (mostly), trouble with the trains.
  • 21/07/2014: Sleeping in, rainy nice day, bought tickets for Dutch Comic con for Clara and me, bought another supernatural tee, watching The Walking Dead all day.
  • 22/07/2014: Watching The Walking Dead, sitting outside in nice weather, reading Neverwhere, (Nina) ordered comics, watching more The Walking Dead.
  • 23/07/2014: Working, watching series, worked on my Asylum12 story, reading comics, went to sleep quite early.
  • 24/07/2014: Working, started with my travel photo book, bought a ticket for Imagicon, bought all the Harry Potter movies, and Superantural season four.
  • 25/07/2014: Working, really really tired, got my package, worked on my Asylum 12 story, reading.
  • 26/07/2014: Day off, finished my travel photobook so far, continued on my Asylum 12 story, watching panels from sdcc14, and more stuff and announcements.
  • 27/07/2014: Going to the movies, Transformers Walking On Sunshine and Boyhood, bought headphones, watching Nerd HQ supernatural panel, tired.
  • 28/07/2014: Working, stormy day, got books from Petra, watching panels from sdcc, more Supernatural stuff.
  • 29/07/2014: Working, Primark, eating at Pancho's, drinking cocktails, saw The Purge: Anarchy and And So It Goes.
  • 30/07/2014: Tried some new eye make-up, got new books again, working, gishwhes things, selfie game.
  • 31/07/2014: Working, made my first green smoothie, watching series, music, reading.


  • 01/08/2014: Croatoan day, watching series, meet up with Nanayah, diner at 'Gras van de buren', ordered a Sherlock tee.
  • 02/08/2014: Sleeping in, reading and finishing 'Apocalypse next Tuesday', working, gishwhes started, talking with our team members about Asylum events.
  • 03/08/2014: Gishwhes, made an Orlando Jones twitter account, working, watching Under The Dome, tired.
  • 04/08/2014: Working, asked if I could stay after the summer, started running again after a long while, also catching up with Ivana, reading.
  • 05/08/2014: Working, watching series, really tired, went to bed early, Supernatural.
  • 06/08/2014: Sleeping in a bit, listening to Welcome To Night Vale, working, tired, watching series.
  • 07/08/2014: Day off, watching series, supposed to go running, didn't go, gishwhes.
  • 08/08/2014: Went to Nina, did some Gishwhes items together, lots of fun with the items, streekbos, got new comics.
  • 09/08/2014: Gishwhes 2014 ended, working 12.00 - 21.00, nice day, made smoothies at work, tired.
  • 10/08/2014: Working all day again, really happy when I got home, exhausted, beautiful full moon, reading.
  • 11/08/2014: Day off, really felt like crap, bought tickets to Welcome To Night Vale live, watching Supernatural, and The Walking Dead.
  • 12/08/2014: Slept a bit better, but still feeling like crap, got my Supernatural shirt in the mail, watching series, reading a bit.
  • 13/08/2014: Didn't sleep at all, still went to work, felt better during the day, watching series, reading.
  • 14/08/2014: Working, went to see Guardians Of The Galaxy, with Nina, absolutely loved it, KFC.
  • 15/08/2014: Sleeping in a bit, working, planning movies monday and tuesday, got tickets for the unlimited night next monday, really tired.
  • 16/08/2014: Sleeping in, continuing with my Asylum 12 story, cleaned out my closet a bit, catching up on my 5 things a day journal, also making drawings.
  • 17/08/2014: Rainy lazy day, worked on my Asylum 12 story, made more doodles, marvel puzzle quest, guest announcement for Asylum 14.
  • 18/08/2014: Working, another Asylum 1 announcement, Hercules, Magic in the Moonlight, Into the Storm unlimited night.
  • 19/08/2014: Working, Guardians Of The Galaxy again and Lucy, lost my phone (and someone found it thank god), bought comics, another Asylum 14 announcement.
  • 20/08/2014: Got my phone back, planning a trip to Brussels, facebook group with Asylum friends, working, puzzle quest.
  • 21/08/2014: Going to Friesland, barbecue with Nina Elisa Jesse Carlijn and Anne, guitar music, cards against humanity, really nice day.
  • 22/08/2014: Went home, really tired, a lot of rain, working, puzzle quest.
  • 23/08/2014: Almost overslept, working all day, tired, watching series, doodling.
  • 24/08/2014: Ter land ter zaan en in de lucht, with mama Charissa and Dennis, churros, watching series, nice day.
  • 25/08/2014: Working, Teen Wolf, What's Your Number, Marvel puzzle quest, went to bed early.
  • 26/08/2014: Working, went to the movies with Nina and Denise, Begin Again, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Subway.
  • 27/08/2014: Working, Pretty Little Liars, Under The Dome, really tired, went to bed early.
  • 28/08/2014: Sleeping in, went shopping with my mum, bought some really nice (winter) stuff, love my new shoes, watching series.
  • 29/08/2014: Went to Den Haag, with Wendy, diner at Vapiano, nice day, doodling.
  • 30/08/2014: Working, we got a new couch, very nice, drawing, Maroon 5 'V'.
  • 31/08/2014: Working, still tired, agreed to going to a Kaiser Chiefs concert in twelve days, excited, last day of the vacation.


  • 01/09/2014: First day of school, went to the movies with Nina, Into The Storm and Guardians Of The Galaxy again, bought a ticket to Kaiser Chiefs concert next week, final day of 100happydays.
  • 02/09/2014: Finally received my photo with Jason Manns from Asylum 14, finally know I can stay in school, Teen Wolf, damn good day, working.
  • 03/09/2014: School, already sort of done with it, watching series, listening to V all day, nails.
  • 04/09/2014: Ikea, lunch, Den Haag with Wendy and Nina, Pizza Hut, Asylum 10 and 12 stories.
  • 05/09/2014: School, watching The Vampire Diaries, Twilight, planned a trip to Cologne to see Jason Manns and Rob Benedict in February, way too excited.
  • 06/09/2014: Sleeping in, bought ticket to Jason Manns and Rob Benedict concert, watching series, lazy day, Twilight.
  • 07/09/2014: Working, watching brother's football game, watching series, working on my asylum 12 story, puzzle quest.
  • 08/09/2014: Got a new internship,, at my old primary school, organized my closet, put some a10/a12 photos in a map, discussing a14 hotel room.
  • 09/09/2014: Internship, very nice so far, went to the movies with Nina, As Above So Below, nice horror movie.
  • 10/09/2014: School, way too early, already done with it, watching series, tired.
  • 11/09/2014: School for one lesson, Kaiser Chiefs concert, with Wendy and Tamara, really amazing, got autographs and photos afterwards.
  • 12/09/2014: Didn't go to school, went to Nina, watching Supernatural favourite episodes, drinking purple nurples, trying to look for the Northern Lights.
  • 13/09/2014: Watching Chris Evans' movies, watching more Supernatural, and other series, baking and decorating cupcakes, lots of fun.
  • 14/09/2014: Watching Captain America: The First Avenger, went home, bought a corset, more ideas for cosplay, went to bed early.
  • 15/09/2014: Feeling sick, didn't go to internship, we booked our A14 rooms, Morning Parade's 'Pure Adulterated Joy', reading.
  • 16/09/2014: Got a contract at work for a year, looked up things for Cologne trip in February, still feeling sick, at home, reading.
  • 17/09/2014: Went to the movies with Nina, Maps To The Stars, Let's Be Cops, Guardians Of The Galaxy for the fifth time, got a star-lord bobblehead.
  • 18/09/2014: Felt a bit sick, so only went to one lesson, did some shopping for my cosplay, bought DVDs, What's Your Number.
  • 19/09/2014: Got my corset, went to the movies with Nina, The Damned, What If, If I Stay.
  • 20/09/2014: Working on my cosplay, designing it, trying to figure out how, made the armour, actors who can sing,
  • 21/09/2014: Sleeping in, new guest for Asylum 14, Curtis Armstrong, started with my Asylum 14 notebook, Jason Manns' stageit show.
  • 22/09/2014: Internship, If I Stay for the second time, drinks at Manzo's, pool centre, booked train tickets to Brussels.
  • 23/09/2014: Internship, first lesson, went horrible, Deliver Us From Evil, hotel Cologne is booked.
  • 24/09/2014: No school, rainy day, it's beginning to look like Autumn, watching series, Easy A.
  • 25/09/2014: School, working a bit, music, tired, reading.
  • 26/09/2014: Went to Amsterdam, Comics, Forever 21, Pijnstillers, The Maze Runner.
  • 27/09/2014: Sleeping in, back hurts, reading, puzzle quest, Z Nation.
  • 28/09/2014: Plato And Platypus Walks Into A Bar, working again since three weeks, hedgehog, more reading, tired.
  • 29/09/2014: Internship, went a bit better, reading, went to bed very early, didn't feel well.
  • 30/09/2014: Went home early from internship, sick, really done with it, 21 Jump Street, A Little Help.


  • 01/10/2014: New haircut, Weggeefwinkel, watching series, Batman, hate my throat and nose.
  • 02/10/2014: Sleeping in, watching series, Zaandam, ordered another Supernatural tee, catching up with Priscilla.
  • 03/10/2014: Watching series, working, Modern Family, reading, hate having a cold.
  • 04/10/2014: Lazy day, Modern Family, Morning Parade concert, really nice, reading.
  • 05/10/2014: Working, cold, sorting out photos, don't feel like doing anything, making NYE plans.
  • 06/10/2014: Internship, was okay, ordered a credit card, Moern Family, tired.
  • 07/10/2014: Internship, Amsterdam, stormy weather, new comics, Supernatural special.
  • 08/10/2014: Internship, tired, watching all the series, too many, comics.
  • 09/10/2014: Internship, music, excited for tomorrow, tired, reading.
  • 10/10/2014: Internship, 'wedding' at school, holiday, The Fray concert, really amazing.
  • 11/10/2014: Sleeping in, sorting out photos, got my new Supernatural tee, The Three Musketeers, Vampire Diaries.
  • 12/10/2014: Booking train tickets for Germany, looking up things for London christmas, really excited, Hurts, The Breakfast Club.
  • 13/10/2014: Went to Nina, working on my cosplay, breastplates are done, ordered dvds, Gerard Way.
  • 14/10/2014: Amsterdam, went to the movies, happy meal, pre-ordered Jason Manns and friends christmas album, reading.
  • 15/10/2014: Watching series, in bed, got Pride and Prejudice, went to Priscilla, watching Terkel.
  • 16/10/2014: Watching series, not doing much, bookes london plane tickets, looked for ome more london inspiration, excited.
  • 17/10/2014: Bought tickets for Gerard Way concert, working, puzzle quest, Z Nation, Pride & Prejudice.
  • 18/10/2014: More series, painting my nails, cleaning my room, putting up photos on memoboard, tired.
  • 19/10/2014: Cleaning, brother's birthday, grandparents here, sudoku, end of vacation.
  • 20/10/2014: Internship, went okay, frustrated, Remember Me, sleeping late.
  • 21/10/2014: Internship, photos at school, storm, exhausting day, A Walk Among The Tombstones.
  • 22/10/2014: Sleeping in, watching series, school, reading, tired.
  • 23/10/2014: Watching series, didn't go to school, city, packing for Brussels, J2 asylum 14 rumour.
  • 24/10/2014: With Nina on our way to Brussels, to visit Laura, going into the city, seeing the Atomium, going to a pub for one beer.
  • 25/10/2014: Walking around Brussels with Nina, MOOF, chocolate and waffles, geeky stores, watching Captain America.
  • 26/10/2014: Watching Laura's quidditch game, Antwerp, bit of Brussels, back home, had a great weekend but exhausted.
  • 27/10/2014: Internship, really tired, baking cupcakes, sorting out my photos, and which ones I want to print.
  • 28/10/2014: Internship, still really tired, We Are Scientists concert, with Wendy and Tamara, weird ass day.
  • 29/10/2014: Movies with Nina, Hector And The Search For Happiness, The Judge, Stonehearst Asylum, Jason Manns Christmas album sneak peek.
  • 30/10/2014: Watching series all day, closing night of project at internship, was nice, writing.
  • 31/10/2014: Sleeping in, watching series, working, stress at work, watching bit of Nightmare Before Christmas.


  • 01/11/2014: Working, nice day, Walking On Sunshine, went to bed early, puzzle quest.
  • 02/11/2014: Sleeping in, brother was beat up last night, lazy day, Nightmare Before Christmas, listening to Welcome To Night Vale.
  • 03/11/2014: Went to the movies, Ouija, Fury, Welcome To Night Vale live, nice show.
  • 04/11/2014: Didn't go to internship, felt a bit sick, sleeping, puzzle quest, excitement.
  • 05/11/2014: Watching series, walking through Amsterdam, George Ezra concert, really beautiful, last and best concert of 2014.
  • 06/11/2014: Concert photos, still not feeling well, test at school, got my Asylum 14 ticket, group A!
  • 07/11/2014: Sleeping, Vampire Diaries, working, Jensen Ackles for Asylum 14, scared and excited.
  • 08/11/2014: Lazy day, still excited, working, nice evening, Angeles.
  • 09/11/2014: Asylum 14 story up to date, The Perfect Man, Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone, puzzle quest, looking at photo ops.
  • 10/11/2014: No internship, had to go to school, decided I stop with school and internship for this year, sad and relieved, Sherlock Holmes: A Game Of Shadows.
  • 11/11/2014: Went to internship for the last time, Primark, Amsterdam, bought too many things, Interstellar.
  • 12/11/2014: Supernatural 200th episode, Amsterdam, Nightcrawler and Dumb and Dumber TO, diner at Rimini, last time seeing Nina for a while.
  • 13/11/2014: Went to school for feedback, almost got my 'propedeuse', more friends bought Asylum 14 tickets, watched Supernatural together online, tired.
  • 14/11/2014: Went to school, watching series, working, NYE tickets, best friends.
  • 15/11/2014: Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, cocktails, with Manon, went out, great night.
  • 16/11/2014: Watching series, tired, Harry Potter and the Prisoner Of Azkaban, inspiration, went to bed pretty late.
  • 17/11/2014: School, comics, PS I Love You, watching series, meh.
  • 18/11/2014: Bit of writing in five things a day journal, Harry Potter and the Goblet Of Fire, wanna go to London, ordered photos, still meh.
  • 19/11/2014: Watching series, went to the movies by myself for the first time, The Hunger Games: Mockingjay part 1, was nice, did a bit of doodling.
  • 20/11/2014: Watching Miranda, couldn't stop laughing, pancakes, hot chocolate, Jason Manns christmas stageit show.
  • 21/11/2014: Miranda, working, weird day again, cold, two weeks till Germany.
  • 22/11/2014: Got my photos, writing in five things a day journal, and doodling, Louden Swain stageit show, Jared Padalecki for Asylum 14.
  • 23/11/2014: Working, booked bustickets, going to London this saturday, making checklists, excited.
  • 24/11/2014: Still excited, buying stuff for London, watching The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey, with Nina online, reading the Hobbit.
  • 25/11/2014: Amsterdam with Wendy, Horns, John Wick, nice movies, bought some more stuff for London.
  • 26/11/2014: Watching The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey again, and The Hobbit: Desolation Of Smaug, with Wendy and Nina online, watching series, reading.
  • 27/11/2014: Finally got my propedeuse, went shopping, then again with my brother, working with Petra, tired.
  • 28/11/2014: Packing my bag for London, colouring, working, two new guests for Asylum 14, Ruth Conell and Erica Caroll.
  • 29/11/2014: Buying last thing, packing last stuff, getting really excited going to London, with Wendy and Wendy.
  • 30/11/2014: Arrived in London, queueing for wristbands, shopping, walking around, pizza hut.


  • 01/12/2014: Breakfast at Burger King, waiting there, queuing all day long, The Hobbit BOTFA world premiere, amazing.
  • 02/12/2014: Sleeping in a bit, Forbidden Planet, Winter Wonderland Hyde Park, saw Manu Bennett, went home again.
  • 03/12/2014: Terrible journey home, glad to be home, sleeping, sorting out photos, watching series.
  • 04/12/2014: Sleeping in, watching series, working, checking in for London, more photos of the Hobbit premiere.
  • 05/12/2014: Packing bag, on my way to Stuttgart, very long and tiring journey, meeting Clara, eating somewhere.
  • 06/12/2014: Shopping, buying christmas presents, going to the christmas market in Stuttgart, kartoffelpoffer, going to Schwäbisch Gmünd.
  • 07/12/2014: Going to the christmas market in Schwäbisch Gmünd, breakfast, on my way back home, missed train in Köln, super super tired and done.
  • 08/12/2014: Sleeping in, still tired tho, ordering christmas present, decorating the christmas tree, watching Miranda.
  • 09/12/2014: The Hobbit marathon, with Wendy, such a good good and painful movie, staying at Wendy's, had a lot of fun.
  • 10/12/2014: Slept in horribly, went home, Wendy booked us tickets for the Crucible screening, watching series, organizing photos.
  • 11/12/2014: Tumblr theme, stormy day, watching series, watching the Lord Of The Rings, with my mum.
  • 12/12/2014: Watching series, puzzle quest, working, looking for a new bag, tired.
  • 13/12/2014: Really exhausted, working all day, stressful day, ordered a tote bag, started watching Being Human.
  • 14/12/2014: Working all day again, ordering tickets for Hobbitcon, with Wendy, also booked the hotel, excited!
  • 15/12/2014: Work, tired, watching Miranda, looking for more info about Hobbitcon, The Last Goodbye - Billy Boyd.
  • 16/12/2014: Went to the movies, The Hobbit BOTFA for the second time, Two Night Stand, comics, making a present.
  • 17/12/2014: Working, tired, started watching Pushing Daisies again, got my hobbitcon ticket, looking for presents.
  • 18/12/2014: Working, had to work again in the evening but went home, kinda done, watching Lord Of The Rings: The Two Towers with mum, tired.
  • 19/12/2014: Working again, nice day, working again in the evening, JDM for Asylum 14, A14 notebook.
  • 20/12/2014: Working, tired, baking a pie, Manhattan Love Story, went to bed early.
  • 21/12/2014: Birthday, 21 years, working, visit, pie.
  • 22/12/2014: Day off, sleeping in, got a lot of money, made a reservation for High Tea, excited for London.
  • 23/12/2014: Working, Haarlem with Wendy, Serious Request, Annie, nice day.
  • 24/12/2014: Christmas Eve, working, Jason Manns/Jensen Ackles stageit show
  • 25/12/2014: Christmas day, presents, visiting grandparents, gourmetting, watching Lord Of The Rings.
  • 26/12/2014: Second Christmas day, brunch, working all day, it was quite nice, tired.
  • 27/12/2014: Sleeping in, making checklist, sorting out clothes for London, working, exhausted.
  • 28/12/2014: Packing stuff for London, Manzo's, dinner with Manon, tired, excited.
  • 29/12/2014: Going to London, shopping, sinterkerst, got nice presents, drinking and playing cthulhu game.
  • 30/12/2014: Southbank market, bought books, Strada, trying new stuff with hair, The Princess Bride.
  • 31/12/2014: Ice skating, Pizza Hut, New Year's eve, great night with great people, fireworks.
dec 25 2013 ∞
jan 6 2015 +