I'm working on not letting things get to me. These are things that get to me.

  • mmmost drivers...I have TERRIBLE road rage!
  • getting in trouble when I'm at home. I'm not 14 anymore. or 18 for that matter...
  • when people don't listen to me. I realize I'm quiet, but um...listen to me, haha.
  • when my little sister doesn't listen to me. it's different, trust me
  • when people think they're more important than anyone. this is mostly in reference to "that guy" in your class that thinks it's okay for him to put in his commentary ALL THE TIME when no one else ever even raises their hand. but this isn't a rant list, so we're moving forward here...
  • people making fun of other people
  • attention HOGS. get out of here.

Milder frustrations. Pet peeves, if you will:

  • clapping during songs
  • when people are "facetiously" mean...why is that funny?
jul 26 2010 ∞
dec 18 2013 +