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New people, camp, reading, music, television, movies, walking around aimlessly, buses, gardens, art, photography, trees, hockey, ballet, concerts, exploring, jackets, road trips, sparklers, weather, Olympics, getting lost, partying (but not dancing), cats, skaters, socks, high school, writing, social justice, skunks, ice caps, making cakes and having OCD when it comes to making lists.

  • Monday

- Chilling with Mary-Francis and going to get my gap and gown - Not knowing how to make a slush (once again) - Waiting for the 4 for forever - Studying for math for like 3 seconds - Not knowing what to do so we stayed at Panama watching all the possible buses go - Going to the mall and eating french fries and Iced Tea - Going to my house to chill at the park - Running to my house from the park to get magazines and cards and then running back to the park - Listening to boom boom in your room - Talking about Prom <3 - Searching for Maryfrans glasses - Going and waiting at the 47 stop for her - Going home and studying

  • Tuesday

- Finishing my last exam and therefore never having to go back to Centennial as a Student - Mr. Mirarchi coming into the class and asking me what I put as an answer and when I told him he said "Good for you" - Taking the stuffy 4 and 54 for the last time - Waiting at Panama with Sam and Kevin Sandy, it was nice - Going downtown with Chloe and Jeff when the 45 was jammed pack - Going to Schwartz for the first time in like 2 years and eating smoked meat, french fries and cherry coke <3 - Coming home and going to Champlain Mall so I could buy nail polish for the next day which was GRAD! - Buying a shirt from Forever 21 for the next day and seeing Corey avoid me LOL - Going to the Bay so we could buy Jeff button shirts - Getting me three different nail polishes cause the third purchase was cheaper - Getting Jeff 5 button shirts - Coming home and getting thousands of messages from people excited to graduate - Going to bed early after watching my graduation movie marathon. - Getting my nails done by el Chloe

  • Wednesday

- Waking up and going to get my hair done - Chloe picking me up and going home - Listening to I've had the time of my life and dancing then panicking cause I almost screwed up my hair - Putting my dress on and taking pictures outside - Chloe doing my makeup (which was a mistake) - Getting my picture taken outside - Dorene coming out to see me in my dress - Getting in the car and leaving then coming back because we forgot the ipod plug - Listening to songs like mmbop by Hanson, can i graduate, graduation song, I can show you the world and many more <3 - Getting to the place and seeing Sarah and us having a spasm - Going to the hotel and seeing a bunch of people and then seeing Maryfrancis and us having a spasm - Going up to our room and dropping everything off - Going downstairs and taking pictures with everyone - Dropping a granola bar that Corey gave me and apologizing to a lady and her saying it's alright and you have a very unique dress :) - Everyone commenting on my dress saying "I just wanna pet you" - Being with Amanda seeing Jt and him turning around cause I was with her - Going into our lineups while Maryfrans mom tries to pin my cap - Matt asking me who my date is and me avoiding the question at all costs - Shaz saying here Jill this is your flower but me being super confused - Having like ten tic tacs - Going into our lineup and Brandon, Mag and I freaking out - Walking in with Mag and her parents trying to get a picture and me trying to get out of the way but failing - Brandong getting the tassle in his mouth while having a tassle fight in the lineups - Stepping on Mags heel right between my toes while going into our chairs - Singing our national anthem super obnoxiously - Wold calling/ Howling - AYE AYE AYE AYEing - Saying super stupid things like FAIL or WOULD YOU LIKE FRIES WITH THAT but thinking I'm saying them low but like two rows in front of me would turn around - Singing super obnoxiously in the crowd - Losing my cap and Taylor picking it up for me - Saying and making the motions do you wanna fight in the middle of the ceremony to Brandon - Throwing my cap in the air and losing it again aahaha - Everyone trying to throw their rose in the air so they could be seen on camera - Mag saying Congrats and me standing halfway and saying I WON! - Being the cheer started for Daniel ahah - Getting called on stage and not hearing that I made mothertongue and freaking out but seeing it in my bag and spazzing out - The grad cheer :) - Khalid going up on stage and like throwing his tassle from side to side ahah - Mag and I throwing our caps in the air at random times :P - Standing up getting ready to leave and a man yelling at us ahah - Leaving the room and meeting up with like Shaz and them and Shazs dad shaking my hand :3 so nice - Going to take pictures with everyone again - Returning my gown - Talking to a bunch of people and parents - Chilling with Amanda Mota - Chilling with Mag :) - Sandro pulling out a marker and graffing on his cap in the middle of the ceremony ahah - Chilling with Kayla and her getting annoyed at me being so peppy :P :) - Talking to teachers - Going into the prom and talking to Daniel - Getting attacked by the guys dancing on me (didier, cherng, Wilson and I forget who ahah) - Freaking out about the meals - Talking to Mr.Dobbs and Ms. Brum - Dancing with everyone and Sandro, Sam and Nic - Generally having a good time - Phil always coming to the table and saying I wanna bone this or that ahah - Phil making me dance while i was sitting/ like making me wave my arms in the air - Phil always coming and attacking me when I was dancing aha - Making Keven Lee dance aha - Dancing with Wilson, Vic, Didier and Kevin :P - Staying til the end of prom unlike all my other friends - Texting cooper that I've gotta feeling was playing and his response being "I'm coming" ahah - Watching Mr Allan dance while super drunk - Mr allan giving me and cooper a speech about how he loves us and he needs to retire because we are perfection and he can't have a group better than ours and so he should just stop teaching... funny thing though, he never had cooper ahha and he hated my class. - Leaving prom with Cooper and taking the elevator and going into my room and partyingggggg - Having a boris - Going downstairs with Kayla and Sarah to see if Prom was over but like trying to touch my nose and the security guard totally saw ahah - Going back to our room and then going up to coopers barefoot - Seeing everyone in there -Tassle fight! - Waiting in line and freaking out, every line going in saying something except mine :P cause were so unenthusiastic ahah - Playing cranium with Max and just giving him the red questions and trying to make him spell backwards. - Giving Kyle acting cards :P - Max getting delivery room and him going up to kyle and saying I'm using you and opening his legs and saying "PUSH!" really loud and us freaking out cause they screamed that out - Then them redoing it ahah - Just pretty much playing that game was a blast :P - Them getting there and us freaking out but Sarah wouldn't let them in the room - Kayla falling off the bed and skinning her knee to go see Amanda - Kayla constantly rolling off the bed

- PLaying never have i ever for like two rounds :P - Max and I leaving to go find Daniel but already left and like 3 security guards yelled at us and then we saw like Melissa yelling at people oh boy - Max and I going back to our room after our little adventure and oh yeah on our way down we heard ryan fell from a roof and cut his head (last centennial rumor woot!) - Going back to the room but Sarah not letting Max in - There was more and if I remember I'll put them down - Me chilling with Kayla in the bathroom and getting her to drink water and telling her what she did and reading her her texts OH LORD :p ahaha - Leaving my room in the morning to go meet Sarah and seeing Paul, Jeff and I forget who and them freaking out - Jeff texting me - Max and I not wanting to get our own cab - Seeing Jeff pounding on Kyles door screming its Jeff -

  • Thursday

- Went out for breakfast with Mayfrancis - Seeing the azns going to the pool and them inviting me - Passed out and woke up super confused cause I didn't remember going to sleep - Tim Hortons run at 6am - Chilling with Phil in the lobby - Going to Coopers room and it smelled so bad and everyone was like passed out and super hungover and I was trying to get David to drink water - Talking to Dave on facebook aahaha bestfriends fo lifeee - Going to Indigo and seeing Mr. Tam - A girl at Indigo asking if I was Chloes sister - Falling asleep in the car - Talking to Veronica at Indigo.

  • Friday

- Going to Madisons for Auntie Gayles birthday - Going home for half a second so I could charge my phone for like half a second cause it was on one battery and get a sweater of course - Going to meet up with Amanda and Maryfrancis at Panama and seeing a giant downpour happen and us freaking out - Getting on a bus to MegaProject and having some hippies rolling a joint in front of us and some badassdrinking some alcohol from a Jansport bag ahah - Walking to the place and having a really cute guy check me out <3 says Maryfrancis (I'm pretty oblivious to these things) - Getting to Mega Project - Walking to Mega and laughing like crackheads making fun of some kids laugh - Going to buy my ticket and the guy at Mega who didn't get money from anyone doing some cracked face at me then laughing - Meeting up with Sarah and Jordan - Seeing like five year olds at Mega by themselves and freaking out cause our parents wouldn't let us do that - Seeing a guy dressed as a marijuana leaf dancing and smoking a jay ahah - Seeing Max and going over to talk to him - Amanda complaining about how she wants to leave and Maryfrancis and I yelling and saying no were not leaving! - Her going up to Sarahs dad and asking if she could go home with them :| what kind of brokeness - Walking around and seeing Teryn who needed a phone cause he lost his friends who were 2 cm away from him - Seeing Jesse and him punching me :3 - Going to get some cotton candy - Some girl asking for a bobby pin and Maryfran saying "Man I should start carrying those around" - Acting stoned at Mega cause I was so tired - Running through mud to exit Mega and almost falling - A guy grabbing my arm and saying something while super drunk and his friend telling us to ignore him ahah - Seeing Sandro and chilling with him and giving him our cotton candy and him spazzing and like ripping the bag and some falling on the floor and Mike freaking out - Going to see Max on the mountain and then his friends leaving cause were English - Going back to see Sandro and just loafing there and him giving us some beer - I love hanging out with Sandro and Mike when it's just them two - Some girl going so rude of me I'll come introduce myself later - Walking to the exit with Maryfran and waiting in a bus booth - Mom coming to pick us up and almost hitting a guy who just smiled and shrugged it off

  • Saturday

- SLEPT! - I generally don't remember what happened that day - I think I just loafed at home and watched movies like Breakfast at Tiffany's

  • Sunday

- Went to Nannys - Sitting in the car waiting to go to 3 Amigos when Dad eats a werthers and pulls his tooth out ahah and it was a front tooth so it looked like he was a hockey player - Going to the resto with the Motassss and Stephanie - Taking a shot of Vodka - Watching She's the Man - Having a Drumstick - Amanda saying "He's obsessed with me" - Writing a bunch of cute messages on my girlies facebook pages - One last Deneumoustier/Mota hang out before those girls went backpacking around Europe.

jun 27 2011 ∞
jun 7 2021 +