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New people, camp, reading, music, television, movies, walking around aimlessly, buses, gardens, art, photography, trees, hockey, ballet, concerts, exploring, jackets, road trips, sparklers, weather, Olympics, getting lost, partying (but not dancing), cats, skaters, socks, high school, writing, social justice, skunks, ice caps, making cakes and having OCD when it comes to making lists.

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  • Taking the 249 with my boys and one said "I'm not going to be lazy this summer and everyone laughing"
  • When I asked if he had a pencil and he said no but comes up to me like 10 minutes later with a pencil :)
  • When I was on the bus with Khalid and birdface was bitching at her mom on the phone and me and Khalid kept looking at each other in shock and disgust and rolling our eyes
  • Chilling in tutorials with Mohammed
  • Taking the bus with David Han and Sandro
  • Chilling with David at panama for a little while
  • Taking a really good nap
  • When Maryfancis turned us around and made us walk a different way cause he was that way
  • Getting a lift from nanny who is such a funny driver "don't die in front of me!"
  • When I got to school and cleared out my locker on Friday
  • When I signed Corey's yearbook in a giant rush
  • When I sat down in the auditorium and Daniel came in and said "ooh heyyy Jill from across the room and then Maryfrancis telling me "Oh yeah i told him about my plan for(apparently he was all like does she actually really like him)"
  • When we got nominated for best dragons den and got fourth (because we don't count sec 4s) place in all...322$ baby.
  • Getting the money back from Ms.Prokosh
  • Asking Mr.Dalzell where out arrow sign was
  • Telling Mr. Allan I'd give him the recipes when he signs my yearbook aaha
  • When we were walking home and Maryfrancis said "You know, i think he is interested in you. Like he would talk to you not to the circle."
  • When we rushed to the front so we could get a seat on the 4 cause it's always super packed
  • Getting off the 77 at panama cause we werent sure if it went all the way to IGA
  • Walking to IGA and seing the 77 pass right in front of us...
  • Sitting in the chip aisle at IGA, trying to decide what to get
  • Having vegetarian Lasagna and Jeff breaking a cup
  • Watching Can't hardly wait and Superbad and Friends prom episode
  • Getting kicked out of my house cause of the hockey game
  • Taking a walk at 8:00 with francis around the park and then chilling on a bench with a creepy sex bush and then taking thousands of pictures
  • Creepy girl with a try hard laugh with some boy aah
  • Maryfrancis reenacting her pot days with them and me making fun of her cause it seemed like lotr. haha
  • Walking further down the bike path to see another park and then loafing on a bench in front of Shazs
  • Getting super close to a bunny
  • Seeing Petey and then a bunch of other people and running after them
  • All the guys attacking us and then asking if we wanted to smoke with them
  • Going with them to the park (that is now gone... i thought it was still there haha) and watching the boys smoke
  • All the guys going to play at the park
  • Maryfrancis, Daniel and I chilling on the bike path for like an hour talking
  • Daniel going oh i get it you got kicked out of the house cause your mom found out about the two of you
  • Daniel threatening to put it as his status and Maryfrancis starting to chase him around all the streets
  • Daniel taking pictures
  • Leaving and then going to the dep to get a slush but there were no more covers so we started having a giggle fit trying to put a bunch of other ones on it
  • Buying the slush and telling the guy to keep the 30 cents and him beeing super shocked
  • Eating a whole bag of party mix to myself and maryfrancis having her own
  • Watching into the wild
  • Going to bed
  • Waking up at like 10 and then watching Grease
  • Eating pizza pockets
  • Getting on the 45 and hearing all of chloes friends being super loud
  • Us going for some coffee at Second Cup
  • Going to see Down with webster
  • Stoner guy asking maryfrancis if she wanted a toke and her being all hesitant and finally being like no
  • Him trying to put a girl on his shoulders and falling over twice
  • Thee two really chill guys telling us to move in when a line of people were moving then trying to push us in but i couldn't move cause a guy was there and he was like wow it's cause that guy is an asshole and then he tapped on the guys shoulder and was like can you let my little sisters go in front of you and then all four of us sneaking in front of him
  • Seeing Gabby Gauvin in front of us and her getting attacked by some guys elbow ahah
  • Creepy man behind me
  • Girl letting us cut in front of her
  • Seeing how far we made it up since the beginning of the show
jun 13 2011 ∞
jun 7 2021 +