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New people, camp, reading, music, television, movies, walking around aimlessly, buses, gardens, art, photography, trees, hockey, ballet, concerts, exploring, jackets, road trips, sparklers, weather, Olympics, getting lost, partying (but not dancing), cats, skaters, socks, high school, writing, social justice, skunks, ice caps, making cakes and having OCD when it comes to making lists.



  • Going to Timmies with Cooper
  • Spilling my Ice cap
  • Coopers dad telling me not to be shy
  • Seeing a figure running outside turning around and seeing Daniel coming into timmies,(Daniel tried to scare me)
  • Them coming and chilling with us and Daniel being super aggitated and looking out for Steven and Steph cause he wanted to smoke so bad
  • Me starting the giant blank text thing to Samir which caused his battery to die, him not being able to end calls or go to his home screen cause I had gotten Harman and Maryfrancis to text him and Phil got Tyler and Brian ahah
  • Steven and Stephanie showing up and them chilling with us too
  • Steven was gonna offer to drive me home
  • They offered to smoke us up ahah



  • Getting a text from Amanda saying to come over
  • Going to the Motas and chilling on their deck
  • Going swimming with Amanda
  • Going to the neighbors pool cause its heated and talking about schooling and hearing that Steven applied for his application to get looked at again.


  • Watching the thunderstorm <3


  • Meeting up with Vic at the mall
  • Buying a shirt at Lanai
  • Nothing English playing at Cineplex
  • Walking to Walmart and buying candy and me teaching Vic movies
  • Walking to the Tim Hortons and getting an Ice Coffee because I thought I said Ice Cap
  • Seeing Shannon walking the bike path
  • Getting to Vics and chilling dipping our feet in the pool and talking
  • Going inside and watching No Strings Attached
  • Then watching What's Eating Gilbert Grape
  • The watching Bon Cop Bad Cop and having a cupcake
  • The drive home with Vic mom
  • Talking to Cronin and J.T last night


  • Getting that sudden urge to clean my room
  • Finding my birthday poster from like sec 1
  • Meeting Gabby at Mcdonalds
  • Talking to Miles at the Mcdonalds
  • Gabby telling me about Alyssas date not being with her throughout the night and making me feel guilty for not being near Jeff
  • Getting a Mcflurry and Shenice adding extra Oreos
  • Walking to Guzzo and seeing Roger, Mag and Sean
  • Sean hugging me and lifting me just until I get onto my tippy toes
  • Roger saying I'm gonna give you a hug then picking me up and lifting me and spinning me around
  • Seeing Enny
  • Seeing Amanda Mota and her waving at me
  • Getting in the theater and seeing Kelly
  • Seeing Amber in the theater
  • Watching the movie "Bad Teacher"
  • Almost losing my phone when I got up to leave the theater
  • Finding my phone
  • Texting Cronin
  • Leaving the theater and seeing Nic
  • Talking to Gabby about sprinklers and inviting her over
  • Gabby telling me "I'm not as experienced as you, you know so much about drinking" hahah
  • Coming home and watching Swingtown
jul 6 2011 ∞
jun 7 2021 +