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New people, camp, reading, music, television, movies, walking around aimlessly, buses, gardens, art, photography, trees, hockey, ballet, concerts, exploring, jackets, road trips, sparklers, weather, Olympics, getting lost, partying (but not dancing), cats, skaters, socks, high school, writing, social justice, skunks, ice caps, making cakes and having OCD when it comes to making lists.

  • When I was singing hold it against me by Britney Spears and he said "Yeah I would!"
  • When I fell twice in Paris
  • When I threw breadcrumbs onto someone elses table
  • When Phil was bashing the restaurant
  • When he sat next to me at the Flamenco and we did this little arm nudge game :3
  • When we went on a boat ride and our group was super obnoxious
  • Kissing Mary-frans ear in the tunnel
  • Making fun of Mr Allan
  • Mr Lemaire taking thousands of picture of me (all super ugly and candid of course)
  • Spilling water on Maryfrancis
  • Being the trip cluts
  • Getting lost in Paris and returning to the group late
  • Locking Val and Maryfrancis out of their room with Jadia
  • Seeing Val duck for cover when a firework went off.
  • Sneaking into Val and Jadias room
  • Eating a super healthy lunch of cheese and bread with Mr Allan, Ms Wright and Maryfrancis
  • Taking sitting photos while everyone looks at us like were crazy
  • Going to the top of the Eiffel Tower
  • Seeing ten men, all of whom I've fallen deeply, madly in love with.
  • Taking horrible pictures with Jadia on Mr Lemaires camera.
  • Seeing a man get stuck in the doors of the metro and then push them open to let a girl in and then squeeze himself through and everyone clap because he is superman :)
  • Sitting on the metro with Val, Alxia, Nicky and Maryfrancis
  • Seeing the really cute guy, trying to get his picture but Jadia walked in and ruined it.
  • Seeing a really creepy statue in the Louvre and screaming and not wanting to go close to it cause it will eat me.
  • Buying two pairs of socks :)(they had to limit me)
  • Having good gelato from the Louvre.
  • Destroying my shoes
  • Me and Maryfrancis washing our feet in the tub
  • My giant blister that everyone is afraid of
  • Our cabin on the train that was boiling hot
  • When he pushed himself back when I was walking behind him and Ms Lagodich looked at us and said "THIS IS NOT A DIRTY TRAIN!"
  • The silly things Tara got mad at me for
  • Chilling with the sec 4s on the train
  • Stripping on the bus on the way to the hotel cause it was so goddamn hot
  • Seeing the teachers happy
  • Getting lost in the Louvre
  • Singing come together whenever our tour guide said come to me
  • Doing the quiz on the walking tour of Barcelona and winning.
  • Being in Hotel rooms of two :)
  • Jadias fail joke
  • Stevens pee walk
  • and well you know basically being there.
  • The meeting where me and maryfrancis had a giggle fit
  • Elbowing maryfrancis and spilling water on her in the plane
  • The meeting after the trip. In general.
apr 30 2011 ∞
jun 5 2011 +