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New people, camp, reading, music, television, movies, walking around aimlessly, buses, gardens, art, photography, trees, hockey, ballet, concerts, exploring, jackets, road trips, sparklers, weather, Olympics, getting lost, partying (but not dancing), cats, skaters, socks, high school, writing, social justice, skunks, ice caps, making cakes and having OCD when it comes to making lists.

  • Walking in the freezing cold for like 20 minutes just to get there
  • Chilling with Tara
  • Seeing Kyle and talking to him
  • Seeing Jordan and sitting on the couch with him and Kyle and Greg
  • Going to see Tara
  • Chilling with Winnie, Jess, Tara and Melina and forming the wolfpack
  • Taking a shot Dave pouring me an extra one
  • Asking steven why he was soaked
  • Sitting and chilling with Winnie and cooper

(* Going to see the cloud aka the smokers

  • Walking away leaving the door open cause i didnt see a cloud
  • Having a couple of beers
  • Going to see lawrences room and telling people to get out so lawrence can rest
  • Seeing cherng and talking to him for a bit every once in a while
  • Chilling with Dave han
  • Kyle spreading rumors about me and jeff
  • Jeff showing up
  • me almost falling over and paul laughing
  • Me saying winnie broke the toilet
  • Winnie and i trying to come up with a handshake and texting vick
  • Me chilling with dave, lawrence, winnie and cherng
  • seeing jessica falling off the bed with the guitar
  • the cops showing up
  • Talking to brian
  • Shaz finally showing up and me being confused cause i thought i saw him before
  • Steven telling me i should walk properly
  • Waving at David
  • and much more.
dec 19 2011 ∞
jun 7 2021 +