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New people, camp, reading, music, television, movies, walking around aimlessly, buses, gardens, art, photography, trees, hockey, ballet, concerts, exploring, jackets, road trips, sparklers, weather, Olympics, getting lost, partying (but not dancing), cats, skaters, socks, high school, writing, social justice, skunks, ice caps, making cakes and having OCD when it comes to making lists.

  • Walking to the bus stop and couldn't stop smiling.
  • Getting on the bus for the last time and seeing all the boys fancy (especially Khalid)
  • The bus slowing down in front of Daniels stop because they though he was running late as per usual.
  • Seeing Val outside of school and having a spasm.
  • Walking into school and seeing everyone all fancy.
  • Wandering around and being all emotional.
  • Skillfully avoiding him.
  • Everyone complimenting me on my dress.
  • Going into the auditorium and sitting with Maryfrancis in front of the skaters.
  • Seeing Matt sitting with the skaters.
  • When Nic bashed his head on the seat in front of him.
  • Having a giggle fit with maryfrancis in the auditorium when we should've been quiet.
  • Talking with Sandro about our last names when we were ditched by all our other friends cause they had to leave for their rows.
  • When I got called out for my rows and they made you walk down a passage way of people all smiling at you and then when he placed me next to Mag and behind Brandon.
  • When I got chills from hearing the music.
  • When everyone started getting up to leave from the grad slideshow cause they didn't want to wait in line for their yearbooks.
  • When Phil and Maryfrancis joined me in the center row for the grad slideshow.
  • Almost crying when the pictures of Joe came on <3
  • Leaving the audi for the repeat of the rows.
  • Coming back in and thinking yo Brandon this is our third graduation together, I've always graduated with you!
  • Looking at everyones dresses as they got called onto stage.
  • Adele falling on me.
  • When Mag commented about Kailas butt and two minutes later all you hear is Brianna say "Holy crap her ass!"
  • When I walked across stage.
  • When I got out of the auditorium and saw everyone in the lounge.
  • When I gave Adam his crackers after promising him 2 years ago.
  • Rudy taking a picture of him and Mr G.
  • Taking pictures with everyone.
  • Cherng coming up behind me and Owen and hugging us and telling us how much he's going to miss us.
  • I felt super happy about the above and super special cause cherng doesn't give hugs until I realised he wasn't wearing pants and he was dramatically fake crying ahah and I used to chill with cherng every friday in sec 1 :)
  • Sneaking in line to get my yearbook cause I saw him in line.
  • All the funny pictures in the grad slideshow and having the skaters in front of us.
  • Getting Khalid to take a picture with me. :)
  • Posing in a picture with Cherng and him telling me he'll miss me while patting me on the back.
  • Leaving school and seeing Mr. Allan and talking to him for a while.
  • Chilling, waiting for the bus.
  • Getting on the 4 and all of the centennial seniors filling up the bus while cherng changed back into his jeans after taking them off in school and walking around in his boxers right after hearing that in the morning he took off his pants and top and was wearing boxers and a wifebeater on the bus and then ms lagodich yelling at him and then him changing in the halls and mr dobbs freaking out about him being naked and then him changing back into formal clothes but tucking in his jacket.
  • The guy on the bus who was creeped out by everyone coming on the bus and then about to get up to let two girls sit but they went away and he looked at me like oh haha and we kept smiling for the rest of the busride.
  • Maryfrancis sending the text to sarah instead of me
  • going to 3 amigos
  • Talking to Maryfrancis through the bathroom stalls.
  • Reminiscing about the past 5 years and making sarah mad about not going to paris.
  • Walking to Panama cause were not going to tims hortons anymore
  • Getting to panama and not having a clue what were doing so we stay there for and hour and like 15 minutes and then chill with the azns and i ask cherng about his contest and people think he's drunk... good times.
  • Getting on the 47 and adding robert to our group.
  • Going to my house and then chilling there while looking at old yearbooks and bashing ours.
  • wishing my quote didn't get screwed up.
  • Taking all the yearbooks to the park where we watched the guys play sandman while we sat and looked at yearbooks.
  • sent people funny old pictures of themselves.
  • cherng making a new friend ahah
  • Cherngs longboard getting stolen by a 5 year old
  • Cherng saying no you have to be this tall or else the skateboard won't move.
  • Going back to my house.
  • Getting our stuff then leaving after i convince everyone that we should not go to the movies with Jeff and Rudy.
  • Try and speed ourselves at the speed timer on the street.
  • Going to Tim Hortons.
  • Going to see the hangover 2 at like 11
  • Talking to maryfrancis through the bathroom stalls again
  • When Cherng had a major staring contest with Phil D in the crowd for like a half an hour (probably more)
  • When Cherng got up in the middle of the Grad slideshow and screamed I WONNN!
  • Thinking that maybe he was looking at me when I was getting my yearbook.
  • Quoting Lord of the rings after shaz says "we've been here before" and the i said we've been here before we're going in circles. Then no one understood so i was all like wow everyone sucks no one cares about lord of the rings or understood it and then i was like wow shaz you suck i though at least you'd understand. and then he asked what i said and then i requoted myself and shaz started quoting lotr. Good times.
jun 4 2011 ∞
jun 7 2021 +