- slytherin
- half-blood (father is a pureblood {weasley blood}, mother a muggle-born)
- elm, dragon-heartstring, 10 1/2 in
- siamese cat familiar
- editor for the quibbler
- will not be a prefect or join the quidditch team, however i will join a club like S.P.E.W. and become secretary
- i will be excellent at DADA and magical creatures, and do mediocre in everything else
- will only take extra classes because my friends do (like real life)
- grace is in gryfinndor, but we are still besties
- boggart would either be a dementor or my loved dead/dieing
- patronus would be a narwhal :') <3
jan 16 2011 ∞
oct 11 2011 +