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  • 2013ish-2015: Mario - This is my earliest top character I could remember. I always look up Mario gameplay videos, animations, parodies and other stuff on YouTube on my old computer and phones and play Mario flash games on flash game websites. Other than that, I couldn't remember what I did to him at the time. Yes I did watch videos and play fanmade Flash games of him at the time. No I did NOT play the actual Mario games because I am broke, and I am still broke to this day.
    • What do I think of this character today: I still like Mario, although not as much as my current faves. I also like his bond with Luigi. I also watched the Mario movie and liked it.
  • 2015: Magolor (Kirby) - I was watching Mario and Smash stuff when suddenly I saw videos of Kirby games. I watched a few of them until I stumbled upon a Return to Dream Land Extra Mode video and was immediately hooked at Magolor, thinking he's so cute. Whenever I see the player enter the Lor Starcutter and approach Magolor, I cutely squeal at him. That is, until he shows his true plans and transforms into a monster. I kinda liked his monster design (and his EX recolor), until he transforms into Magolor Soul, which I got scared lmao. I always throw (ugh) toilet jokes at Magolor Soul because he's too scary, yet I am still hooked at the design. I was weird back then. Again, I do NOT have console video games, so I don't own any Kirby game boxes.
    • Fun fact: I can only draw the face of Magolor Soul, as I couldn't understand how to draw his entire body. Which means, I drew absolutely NOTHING other than his eyes and "mouth".
    • What do I think of this character today: I got into Magolor phase AGAIN in June 2022, after I was being nostalgic. Bill Cipher may have taken over my brain lately, but I still like Magolor a TOTALLY NORMAL AMOUNT to this day.
  • Mid 2016: Bill Cipher (Gravity Falls) - Before and after Gravity Falls finale ended, I began to be obsessed with Bill Cipher because he is an interesting and "catchy" character despite being a bad guy. I always draw him on my old writing papers and notebooks. I also find him fairly easy to draw because of his simple design.
    • Fun fact 1: My mom and my teachers from my former school did not accept Bill Cipher as my favorite character just because he is called a dream "demon" and called me a "devil worshipper". He isn't even similar to those horned lads from the underground... what???
    • Fun fact 2: I used a fake pen to "draw" on a history book about Ancient Egypt, Mesopotamia, Phoenicians and other things (which is a part of a series of history books containing the history of the world I still own today). The lines can't be seen unless you put light under it, making you see them (kinda). The doodles are mostly random stuff, tracing images on the book and random text, however the doodles also include Bill. These are inspired by Journal 3 having secret writings that can be only seen by blacklight. I was a bit childish about the books back then.... I even laughed at the word "Sidon" (One of the Lebanese cities) at the time. Embarrassing times.
    • What do I think of this character today: I am obsessed with this character AGAIN. I started my obsession with Gravity Falls again in June 2023 for nostalgic reasons, just like what I do to my former faves.
  • 2017: Yuma Tsukumo (Yu-Gi-Oh! Zexal) - In late 2016, my Cignal cable broke, so we have to replace it with ABS-CBN TV Plus. It makes me sad because there will be no more Disney and other kids animation channels (The TV Plus doesn't have it and only airs Filipino channels), but got over it eventually. At the same time, there are a few days away before Yu-Gi-Oh! Zexal II starts on Yey! Channel (the only Filipino kids channel at the time). As I watched Zexal II more, I fell in love and have a crush on the main protagonist Yuma Tsukumo for some reason.
    • Fun fact 1: I did not know other Yu-Gi-Oh seasons and stuff at the time, so technically I didn't know the Shadow Realm, the Pot of Greed, the original Yu-Gi-Oh cast, did not know card gimmick things like Link Summon, "CARD GAMES ON MOTORCYCLES", and even the fact that the cards can be used IRL and the game can be played IRL. Nothing else other than Zexal anime.
    • Fun fact 2: During my Zexal phase, I used to create an OC named "Yana Tsukumo" who is a cousin and (gags) a "girlfriend" of Yuma. Sweet home Alabama. Fortunately, not anymore. I also made other OCs who are cousins of Yuma.
    • What do I think of this character today: I got on the Zexal phase in late 2022 again, until I begin to lose interest in mid-2023. At the time, my favorite is still Yuma, although not in a creepy "OMG HE'S MY LOVE I LOVE HIM I WANNA MARRY HIM" way, but instead in a wholesome "Aww cinnamon roll" way. The Zexal crush status was then moved to Astral, thinking he's handsome af.
  • Late-2017-2019: Pinkfong (NOT EVEN KIDDING) - I was immediately HOOKED at the Pinkfong mascot when I try to dig deep in the Baby Shark Challenge rabbithole. I loved how cute and pink he looks. I eventually lost interest in 2018 because I realized I was too childish, plus I have other faves to "invest" in.
    • What do I think of this character today: Eh. I don't like him as much as I used to now. Plus, the company who made Pinkfong and Baby Shark endorses enefftees, so it's not worth getting back into the Pinkfong phase.
  • Late 2019-somewhere in 2021: [REDACTED] ([REDACTED]) - Ugh, that character. For personal reasons, I had to hide the name and franchise where he's from, but if you're a long-time friend of mine, you probably know who it is. I don't wanna reveal his info much other than he's basically a DJ who is also an "eternal kid that doesn't age". Well basically I used to have a crush on him HARD and even made a drawing where he and my persona get married. I find that phase so cringe that I don't even want people except my close mutuals to find out.
    • Fun fact 1: I made a secret fanfic where he and my old sona have a dinner date.
    • Fun fact 2: I was planning to create an OC named Yuzuha. She is basically a huge fan of (REDACTED) and wants to be a DJ like him. As I lost interest in him and the franchise as a whole, Yuzuha will never see the light of day. I may retool Yuzuha, but not for the foreseeing future.
    • What do I think of this character today: I don't wanna hear anything about him ever again. Never. That phase is so cringe that I would rather leave the internet than see his face. Ngl he gives me ex-boyfriend vibes nowadays lmao.
  • 2022-present: Magolor - See above
  • 2023-present: Bill Cipher - See above

Minor top faves: Kirby (2015, a bit in 2018, 2022-present), Flowey, specifically Omega/Photoshop Flowey (early 2016), Mabel (2016, 2023-present), Yuya Sakaki (2017, sometime after Zexal II aired), Doraemon (2018), Moa (Show by Rock) (2022-present)

aug 8 2023 ∞
nov 27 2023 +