Besides a veronica lodge url I basically have all the urls I want. So I've been trying to use my url powers and the urls I've accumulated to try and help other people get urls that they want. If there's a url you're looking for, send me a message! If you're a kind soul willing to part with some urls, send me a message!

Rules are:

  • I only take canon, plural, hyphen urls. Misspelled urls are accepted in rare cases (past ones have been iriswst and jessicajcnes) but I try not to be flooded with too many urls.
  • You don't get to ask for a url back after you've donated it or traded it. I probably won't give it back because it's probably already been offered to people. I always have a ton of offers and trades going at once trying to get folks what they want. Once a deal is done it's done. Sorry if that sounds mean or intense but it's too hard to keep passing things back and forth.
  • If you read my testimonial list you will see that I've ben pretty successful and will be totally transparent about what has gone where. I don't want people to get the wrong idea.
  • All you have to do if you want me to help you get a url is send me a messaage! Please be honest about what you want it for, if it's to use or trade, etc.
  • I won't always be able to just give urls away. Reason being that if I want to help people, I need to maintain an arsenal of urls to trade to get folks what they want. But I will always try to go easy and make it work if there's something that we can work out. Don't be afraid to ask or send a message.
  • If you have good, non misspelled urls that you would be willing to donate to the cause, please let me know! I may even be able to get you something you want in exchange.
  • For the sake of transparency, every now and then, I may do a trade for myself. I feel that's okay given how many folks I give URLS to but if you don't, I'm sorry. That said, most of my personal urls were gifted to me or (in the case of izzy-lightwood and rivervixens) traded before I started doing this. *For the sake of even more transparency here is a list of how I got each of my personal urls: Izzy-lightwood i traded for before i started this, clarysfairchild was gifted to me afterward by the person i gifted clarkegriffin to after she helped negotiate my izzy-lightwood trade, fabray has been mine for years, trimberly was traded to me for wayhaughts which i traded a personal url i had for a long time for, kmcnamara i saved myself, juliawickers was given to me last year, wickoffs i saved myself, clizzys was gifted to me, rivervixens i traded clarkegriffins for which was my own personal url given to me last year.
oct 6 2017 ∞
oct 6 2017 +