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  • I am tired of 'long time ago friends' saying: Oh My God Joice, I can't believe you became this big!!! You used to be so slim, I used to envy you and look at you now!
  • I want to chinese dress again (with the long cut on the side), sexy.
  • I want to feel lighter when walking/ running.
  • I want to please my husband (he is desperate asking me to loose weight).
  • I want to be cardiac arrest risk free.
  • I want to please my mom and especially my dad.
  • I want to be haelthy in general (mmmhhh.. Actually I am pretty healthy right now).
  • I want to be able to be operated when necessary for labour. (Being fat making the OBGYN feel reluctant operating me).
  • I want to be able swimming in public without ashamed of my body.
  • I want to be able to sit in Garuda's flight comfortly.
  • I want to be able to sit in Angkot without the driver looking at me desperately. (I usully just pay for two when he looks at me like that).
  • I want to be able to bike again.
  • I want to swim fast again.
  • I want to be able to be carried by my husband.
  • I want to look more beautiful
jul 29 2009 ∞
jul 29 2009 +