They are watching TV... What are they watching?
- Reality TV, any reality TV show.
You're out to eat. What kind of dressing do they get on their salad?
- Italian or thousand island, I think.
What's one food this person doesn't like?
You go out to the bar. He/she orders......
- To be taken home. Neither of us are party peeps.
Where did he/she go to high school?
- Delaware Valley High School, same as me.
What size shoe do they wear?
- 6 or 7 I think? It is a tiny bean foot!
If this person were to collect anything, it would be...
- Stuffed friends or something meaningless like stamps or something. What is their favorite type of sandwich?
- Something with an Italian flair on it, lots of cheese and chipotle.
This person could eat __ everyday.
- Anything that didn't come from the sea.
Favorite cereal?
This person wouldn't be caught dead wearing?
- Long socks with flip-flops.
Favorite sports team?
- The Rangers I guess? Just because of her pops, otherwise she detests sports and physical activities of all kinds.
Who will he/she vote for?
- Obama all the way, especially when the other option is Mitt Romney.
What is their sign?
- Pisces! She's my little beanfish, the rarest in the beansea.
What is something you do that he/she wishes you didn't?
- Get upset over the stupidest of things/Be super stubborn and NEVER EVER listen to ANYONE especially me!
How many states has this person lived in?
- New York and Pennsylvania.
What is his/her heritage?
- 50% Italiano, 25% Polish and some odd percentage of Austrian.
You bake them a cake for their birthday. What kind do you bake?
- Vanilla with vanilla icing and fresh strawberries on top.
Did he/she play sports in high school?
- Nope, she's a mental athlete; it's a lifestyle choice.
This person could spend hours...
- Boppin', sleppin', eatin', playin', layin'.
He/She wants a new...
- Wardrobe every 7-9 business days.
The CD I would probably find in their vehicle is...
- Anything you've never heard of/is old/is pretentious.
What can you do that will guarantee a laugh from him/her?
- Being myself usually tends to slap a smile upon her little face. C:
Does he/she get along well with their family?
- For the most part, but we all have our quarrels, her family has a bit more than most. She and her sister are closer than usual for their age difference, it is a good healthy relationship.
If money wasn't an option, I would buy him/her...
- Anything and everything, though I am absolutely positive 90% of the purchases would consist of clothing.