What do i think of my mother? What do i think of my father? What describes my siblings? Did I have a happy childhood? What kind of person was I? High School What was high school like? Was I a good student? Did I party a lot? Love what describes my first love? Do I have a boyfriend/Girlfriend? Do I like someone? Life What was today like? What are most days like? Whats my life like? What is in store for this weekend? What song describes my parents? How is my life going? Do i act my age? What song will they play at my funeral? Wedding? How does the world see me? Will I have a happy life? What do my friends really think of me? Do people secretly lust after me? How can I make myself happy? Whats my family think of me? What should I do with my life? What is my signature dancing song? What do I think my current theme song is? What does everyone else think my current theme song is? What is my life theme song? What best describes my life? What best describes my friends? What best describes the person i like? Have you had sex? How will you die? What describes my worst enemy? Do i enjoy life? Am i a good person? Do i make others happy?