I'm Zazozaliad! Also known as 'Zazo' or Scarecrow or Doctor Crane, if we're feeling fancy. I'm an aimless, mentally ill double dropout with Big Dreams, and I like making friends!

I'm a self-taught artist and a half-schooled writer, though writing has been very difficult for me for a long time. I'm taking slow steps to fixing that.

anyway here's some factual bullet points!

  • 24yo
  • genderfluid, they pronouns preferred, though hearing a 'he' now and then is actually very delightful.
  • i'm autistic, figured it out a few years back (fun story: it was put on my file as a rule-out as i shifted from one doc to another and ended up i was ruled decisively IN)
  • ive got some problems but if we interact they are largely not YOUR problem & the only case where i really want someone to avoid doing anything for my sake is listed below
  • hi im below! i can't look at iconography from or really stand talk about beloved ghibli film My Neighbor Totoro. i don't have an objection to the film its just some serious problems w my life experiences tangential to it that i don't like talking about very much. thanks for understanding
aug 20 2016 ∞
jun 25 2017 +