• The Lehr - low-fantasy novel about a sealed kingdom where a person's soul takes the form of a large, golden coin - coins sought after by 'demons', twisted humanoids made of unbreakable glass. The story follows Zoe Pontil, a young woman who woke up one day with no memory of her previous life and no soul in her possession, and Agni, the terrifying demon that dogs her footsteps.
  • The God We Dare Not Speak Of - Right now, it's about a clan of gray elves based from the DnD setting, but I'll probably file the serial numbers off just that much more as I work more on it! It's about a quest to lift a deadly family curse, and the terrible trickery that gave rise to it.
  • Yuxians - no. Proper, name, for this. Catch all for the worldbuilding and stories I've made about my original alien species, Yuxians.
  • Matchbook Scripture - novel expansion of a short story I made, been in the works WAY too long. A young boy with a penchant for fire leaves behind a stifling life, for better or for worse.
  • Ghost Forest - everyone's dead, dave, and everyone's also trees. Game project. The player comes to in a strange forest, that is quickly revealed to be some sort of afterlife.
  • Red Sunshine - confusing multiverse bs. Clarity, who can see falsehoods as the color red, meets a girl who is ALWAYS red, and simply can't get her out of her mind.
aug 20 2016 ∞
aug 20 2016 +