╾ 10th

sometimes it just crashes into my mind, theres nothing i can do about it. theres no way to avoid it, simple as that.

today i was listening to girlgroup songs and 4minute started to play. i thought "oh, i miss their music". but then it came to me... the girl's still there, i still can see them and they can release stuff, its okay. but you. i'll never see you again, i'll never listen to your voice again, i'll never hear new music. its over. its not a simple disband.

i remember feeling like the end of the world when taehyun left winner. i remember being so broken after kyungil enlisted, and twice as broken after history disbandment. but looking back now... its all so small. its nothing. no reason to cry, no reason to be sad, no reason to feel even a little bit of pain.

its hard even writing that.

apr 29 2018 ∞
apr 29 2018 +