╾ 20th

each day i get more and more disappointed in people. there's nothing good about them. they're selfish and they dont care about others, they break your trust, they make you like them and then break the bond, they keep leaving you without thinking about your feelings. people are awful and mean.

you know, in some way, you made me know myself better. you made me face my demons (more like actually see them), you made me see everything that i am and i was hiding for years. i dont have to pretend that i'm fine because i know i'm not. i dont have to pretend i'm happy because i know i'm not. i dont have to pretend i wanna be here because i know i dont fucking want to be here. of course i still have to hide all of these from people - because thats another bad thing about them: they dont ever understand what they cant see, they dont understand things they dont know - but i dont have to hide it from myself.

you, in some way, made me free of all the pretending and hide and seek games i used to play with myself.

apr 29 2018 ∞
apr 29 2018 +