╾ 25th

yesterday my sister lost someone in an accident. it wasnt someone very close to her, it was her dad's friend, but she felt sorry and sad for his family. she kept saying he was a good person, he had a daughter and his wife and he was young, something like 37 years old. she cried and obviously i didnt knew what to say to her since i myself am not over.... you know. i said it didnt matter if he was kind or nice or whatever, it happens. it doesnt matter if he was young, it happens.

the only thing i could think about was you. you, too, was kind, cool, great, nice, funny, smart, humble... you, too, had a family, friends, fans, a lot of people who loves you. and you, too, were young, so much younger, you had so much in your way... and all of that didnt made you stay. it doesnt matter.

the situation is totally different but the thing is that life has no guarantee. it hurts me so much to write those things, it hurts to kind of acknowledge that you're gone. it hurts to think that what you are and what you have inside, your young age... nothing matters and nothing can guarantee your life. i cant really express myself right now but its something like that... its just so sad.

apr 29 2018 ∞
apr 29 2018 +