╾ 14th

i just dont fit in. i dont fit in and thats it. i dont fit in with my family, i dont fit in with my college, work, my sister, my boyfriend... i dont belong anywhere. i have no place. honestly i’m lost.

were you feeling like that too? were you feeling like a missing piece of puzzle? like you have no place in this world. were you feeling alone? like you had no one although you may had someone? were your mind deceiving you like mine?

i know its my fault. i try to be a good and better person for others but all i do is become worse and worse everyday. people dont get it and i’ll never be able to explain. i know its my fault because i’m like that and i cant try. my head wont let me. i keep hearing things and i just cant move. it wont go away. it wont get better.

jun 24 2019 ∞
jun 24 2019 +