• I think of you when I look to the sky and I just pray that your heart has finally found the happiness it deserved all this time.
  • I'm glad to know I'm not the only one that every night talks with Jonghyun. I like to believe he's listening to me. I tell him about my day, and I talk a bit about Shinee and wonder how he's doing. I still cry, but hopefully I’ll reach the moment when I wont cry anymore, soon.
  • He didn't do drugs. He didn't get wasted. He was hardly in scandals. He remained real. He spoke for minority. He stood against oppression. He made songs that inspired people and awed his colleagues. Kim Jonghyun, someday please come back to us, in any form at all, and stay.
  • God brings most people back into heaven when they’re old, but sometimes, if your heart is pure, he’ll welcome you back a lot earlier because Heaven needs you more.
  • But it would have been selfish to ask you to hold on, right? So please. Please be happy from now on. Thank you for doing your best till now, thank you for everything.
  • One thing about Jonghyun was that I could be really proud to stan him, and I still am. He was always just out there making the world a better place…. Being a kind, compassionate, talented, wonderful human being. He really gives me so much hope.
  • I hate how whenever I think of the past, I start to cry. But thinking of the future brings even more tears.
  • The only thing I can do is once again search for the traces of you in my shaking heart. Every single day I miss you, and yearn for you, and apologize to you. I wish you could come back, I miss you like crazy.
  • Though I extend my hand, though I extend it with all my strength, I can’t reach you.
dec 23 2017 ∞
apr 29 2018 +