music, kim jonghyun, bones, acrylic paint, lists, green eyes, ok taecyeon, tetris, quotes, baby making songs, starbucks coffee-based caramel frappuccinos, twitter, romance, pasta, smut, airports, cats, yellow cars, tattoos, photography, trey~ my iphone, computer chairs, stickers, october, boxsets, greek mythology, apple products, lyrics, 2pm, manga, notebooks, cream cheese with hot sauce, fake eyelashes, polaroids, crushes, top shop, tobias~ my ipod touch, family, ketchup, trampolines, christmas eve, pandas, primark, creativity, cultures, getting lost, shinee, rnb, green, bags, astrology, floral patterns, letters, reading, live music, shinee world album, pinky promises, blogs, hello kitty, london, asos, fashion, blonde hair on boys, shoujo, tumblr, internet friendships, scotland, clouds, sleeping, irn bru, korean and japanese dramas, water parks, laughing, cereal, laughing, friends, anime, bananas, zumba, barry m nail varnish, swimming, writing, lip biting, glitter, h&m, trey songz, kfc, lollipops, merch, buying things online, board games, blackouts, finding new music, brad pitt, holidays & bras.

oct 23 2011 ∞
apr 20 2012 +