My ADHD is like. Really fucking bad? I take 40mg of Adderall every day and without it I literally cannot function. I think I might have more underlying issues than ADHD (I was diagnosed with general anxiety disorder in high school) but yeah.

Sometimes my ADHD can prevent me from really acting like an adult even though I should; I cannot do certain things like drive unless I am on my Adderall. Sometimes I get really overwhelmed and just crash mentally. I also have the organizational skills of a three-year old and the memory of a goddamn goldfish. So if I owe you something, PLEASE remind me cuz I either probably lost it or just fucking forgot.

I'll also sometimes go through random bouts of hyper fixation, where I tweet about things that I usually wouldn't tweet about at length. For example, if I listen to the Ace Attorney series OST I might start tweeting a LOT about Ace Attorney for a day or so. These happen at random with no real trigger and can possibly be annoying.

apr 19 2017 ∞
apr 19 2017 +