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joshua, genderfluid (boy/agender) he/him, just a small dead kid
i apologize if any of these are too long or hard to read.. the only required ones would be my about, byf, blacklist, then kins if you are kin as well

listography TERMS
list icon
  • I'm joshua, you can call me that or any of my id's names
  • genderfluid, boy/agender, he/him pronouns
  • asexual (repulsed AF, avoid sexual topics around me in general, if we're close though you can joke about things but nothing directed at me of course), grey aromantic (can be repulsed at times)
  • mixed (native american + white)
  • i might not follow everyone back due to paranoia
  • if i ever do anything problematic or overstep any bounds, please correct me, if i do this chances are i wasn't made aware of the problem, just message me and i'll be sure to not make the mistake again

"He has major trust issues, and often his rudeness is a coping mechanism for that. If you manage to get him to trust you, or even worse, like you, you have a friend for life. Sure, he will not let go of the hilarious idea of making fun of your interests and sending you texts at 3am in the morning, but he will protect you with his unlife, and really will appreciate you deep down, even if he’ll never admit it. Extremely clingy."

sep 11 2016 ∞
may 4 2020 +