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I'm addicted to listing:
•To help me organize my thoughts.
•To have something to do in my day.
•To have a record of my life.
•To relieve the stress of my mind.
•To keep me from procrastinating!
•To bring order to the chaos of my life
•To bring focus to randomness of my mind.
•To look back at it and take some ideas and inspiration.

listography TERMS

Clean up the house before you go to bed. (20 minutes - tops)

  • Living room: Pick up and put away things, magazines, dishes, clothes, shoes.
  • Kitchen: Clean it up, shine sink, lay out clean dishcloths, and run the dishwasher.
  • Dining room/entrance: Clear the hot spots.
  • Review your check list to make sure you have not forgotten anything.

Think about tomorrow before you go to bed.

Check your calendar and/or planner for appointments.

  • Start a PODA (Parade of Daily Adventures) or "To Do" list for tomorrow.
  • Think about: What can I do tonight that will make tomorrow morning easier? (make lunches?)
  • Gather up items that you do not want to forget and place them in a spot by the door. Make sure you can see them before you walk out.
  • Make sure children have their things gathered up and put away.
  • Start Breakfast: Set table and plan what you are cooking (just make a mental note).
  • If you plan to use the crock pot, then get some of those things ready so all you have to do is throw it together.
  • Lay out your clothes for tomorrow. It is a simple thing that saves lots of time by being decisive. If something needs to be ironed, or has a spot on it, you can deal with it in a calm manner or choose to wear something else. Take it to the cleaners on your errand day, launder it, or fix that missing button according to your schedule - no pressure. All the stress has been relieved.

Focus on yourself before going to bed.

Cool down time: Get yourself ready for bed.

  • Brush your teeth, clean your face, comb your hair.
  • Take vitamins and other meds.
  • Bath time! Bubbles mmmmmm...
  • Put on jammies, or sexy night gown, or... nothing. LOL!
  • You are now ready for bed. I am not saying that you have to go to bed, but you can, because you are ready to get between those sheets.

Reflect on today's accomplishments: Work on your journal, TaDa list (accomplishments), and/or Gratitude Journal.

  • Read for fun.
  • Read to each other.
  • Listen to music. It doesn't matter what kind - just relax, and it has to be something you enjoy, or you won't do it.
  • Prayer and/or Meditation.
  • Snuggle in for the night and lights out. Go to bed at a decent time. Preferably at the same time daily!
  • Fall asleep with a smile on your face and in your heart!
feb 15 2011 ∞
aug 6 2013 +