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I'm addicted to listing:
•To help me organize my thoughts.
•To have something to do in my day.
•To have a record of my life.
•To relieve the stress of my mind.
•To keep me from procrastinating!
•To bring order to the chaos of my life
•To bring focus to randomness of my mind.
•To look back at it and take some ideas and inspiration.

listography TERMS

Rise and Shine

  • Make your bed as soon as you get out of it (unless your DH is still there).
  • Go into the bathroom.
  • Shower and clean the bathroom while you are there.
  • Fix your hair and face.
  • Swish the toilet and leave the room never to return till later. It is clean and you can forget about it for now.
  • Leave your bedroom with a load of laundry in hand and go straight to the washer.

Kitchen: If you did your Before Bed Routine, the kitchen is clean and all you need to do is empty the dishwasher.

  • Make coffee and start breakfast.
  • Feed the critters.
  • Feed the family (including yourself).

Think About Your Day: Check your calendar.

  • Make your list of what you are going to do today (PODA or To Do List)
  • Thaw something for dinner.
  • Checkbook (bring down your balance).
  • Reboot the laundry (put in dryer).
  • Hit the hotspots. If you did your Before Bed Routine there will not be any.

Now Think About Yourself: Take your vitamins and medications.

  • Sit down.
  • Eat breakfast (if you haven't already).
  • Morning Meditation: God, Imagination, Focus, Thanksgiving (GIFT).
  • Now reward yourself with some computer time. Check your e-mail.
feb 15 2011 ∞
aug 6 2013 +