Nem todas as referências são claras.
- Akhmatova (oEE)
- Charles Baudelaire (MC)
- Cyril M. Kornbluth (oEdG)
- Edgar Allan Poe (MC,oEE)
- Edgar Albert Guest (MC)
- George Orwell (SB)
- Haruki Murakami (oHH)
- Herman Melville (oLdS)
- Jules Verne (oEE)
- Mathew Lesko (aCSC)
- Ogden Nash (aCSC)
- Sapho (InCI)
- Sidonie-Gabrielle Colette (oEC)
- Sylvia Plath (oEC)
- Tolkien (oF)
- Verdi, compositor (oPP)
- Virgina Woolf (aSdR)
- Vladimir Nobokov (oHH)
- Yma Sumac, cantora (oEdG)
- A Bíblia (oF)
- Alice no País das Maravilhas, Lewis Carrol (aCSC)
- A morsa e o carpinteiro, Lewis Carrol (aGG)
- A Odisséia, Homero (aCSC, oF)
- A tempestade, Shakespeare (aSdR)
- Beezus and Ramona, Bervely Cleary (oF)
- Candide, Voltaire (oF)
- Cidadão Kane, filme (oEdG)
- Damocles, a lenda de (oLdS)
- Dragnet, programa (oEC)
- Erewhon, Samuel Butler (oF)
- For Esmé – with Love and Squalor, J.D. Salinger (oEE)
- Hamlet, Shakespeare (aCSC)
- Holes, Louis Sachar (SB)
- Josephine the Singer, or the Mouse Folk, Franz Kafka (oLdS)
- La Béatrice, Dante Alighieri (MC)
- La forza del destino, ópera (oPP)
- La Peste, John dos Passos (oHH)
- Le Voyage, Charles Baudelaire (oF)
- Madame Bovary, Gustave Flaubert (oHH)
- Moby Dick (SB, oHH, aGG, oF)
- Monty Phyton Flying Circus, programa (aSdR)
- Ms. Dalloway, Virginia Woolf (oHH)
- My Last Duchess, Robert Browning (aGG)
- Native Son, Richard Wright (oPP)
- O corcunda de Notre Dame, Victor Hugo (oEC)
- O grande Gatsby, Fitzgerald (SB)
- Orlando, Virginia Woolf (oHH)
- Oliver Twist, Charles Dickens (InCI,aCSC)
- Robinson Crusoé, Daniel Dafoe (oF)
- Self Defence Against Fresh Fruit, Monty Pyton (oEdG)
- The Birds, filme (aCSC)
- The Boots of Buffalo Leather, Irmãos Grimm (oEE)
- The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari, filme (oEC)
- The Crying of lot 49, Thomas Pynchon (oEE)
- The Giver, Louis Lowry (oEE)
- The Importance of Being Earnest, Oscar Wilde (oPP)
- The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock, T. S. Eliot (InCI)
- The Murder of Roger Ackroyd, Agatha Christie (aSdR)
- The Night has a Thousand Eyes, Francis W. Bourdillon (oF)
- The Raven, Edgar Allan Poe (aCSC)
- The Tempest, William Shakespeare (aSdR,oF)
- The Vane Sisters (oHH)
- The Waste Land, T. S. Elliot (aGG)
- This Be The Verse, Philip Larkin (oF)
- Waiting for Godot, Samuel Breckett (oEdG)
Autores fictícios:
- Dr. Gustav Sebald, cineasta
- Geraldine Julienne
Obras fictícias:
- A história da Serraria alto-astral, Senhor
- Dossiê Snicket
- Ivan Lachrymose: Lake Explorer
- Odious Lusting After Finance, Jerome Squalor
- The Biography of the Smartest, Prettiest, most Darling Little Girl in the Whole Wide World, Carmelita
- Zumbis na neve, filme
sep 8 2014 ∞
nov 23 2023 +