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Before 1800

  • "Der Vampir" by Heinrich August Ossenfelder (1748)
  • "The Bride of Corinth" by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (1797)


  • "Wake Not the Dead"attributed to Johann Ludwig Tieck (1800)
  • Thalaba the Destroyerby Robert Southey (1801)
  • "The Vampire" by John Stagg, in his Minstrel of the North (1810)
  • The Giaour by George Gordon Byron (1813)
  • "A Fragment of a Novel" (aka "The Burial: A Fragment") by George Gordon Byron (1816)
  • "The Vampyre" by John Polidori (1819)


  • Lord Ruthven ou les Vampires (Lord Ruthven or The Vampires) by Cyprien Berard (1820)
  • The Vampire, or The Bride of the Isles by J. R. Planché (1820)
  • Le Vampire (The Vampire) by Charles Nodier (1820)
  • "Vampirisimus" by E.T.A. Hoffman (1821)
  • Smarra ou les Demons de la Nuit (Smarra, or the Night of the Demons) by Charles Nodier (1821)
  • La Vampire Ou La Vierge De Hongrie (The Vampire or The Hungarian Virgin) by Étienne-Léon de Lamothe-Langon (1825)
  • Der Vampyre und seine Braut (The Vampire and his Bride) by Carl Spindler (1826)
  • La Guzla, ou Choix de Poesies Illyrique (The Guzla, or a Selection of Illyric Poems) by Prosper Merimee (1827)
  • Der Vampyr (The Vampire) by Heinrich Marschner and Wilhelm August Wohlbrück (1828)
  • Der Vampyre, oder die Totenbraut (The Vampyre and the Dead Bride) by Theodor Hildebrand (1828)
  • "The Eve of Ivan Kupala" (aka "St. John’s Eve"]by Nikolaj Vasilevic Gogol (1832), from his Evenings on a Farm Near Dikanka
  • "The Vampire Bride" by Henry Thomas Liddell (1833)
  • "The Viy" by Nikolaj Vasilevic Gogol (1835), from his Mirgorod
  • "La Morte Amoureuse" ("The Dead Lover," aka "Clarimonde"; "The Beautiful Vampire"; "The Dead Woman in Love"; "The Dead Leman") by Théophile Gautier (1836)
  • Sem’ya Vurdalaka (The Family of the Voursalak) by Aleksey Konstantinovich Tolstoy (1839)


  • Der tote Gast (The Dead Guest) by Heinrich Zschokke (1840)
  • Upyr (The Vampire) by Aleksey Konstantinovich Tolstoy (1841)
  • 'The Vampire” by James Clerk Maxwell (1845)
  • Varney the Vampyre, or, The Feast of Blood by James Malcolm Rhymer (sometimes attributed to Thomas Preskett Prest) (1845-1847)
  • "La Dame pâle" ("The Pale Lady," aka "The Carpathian Mountains"; "The Vampire of the Carpathian Mountains") by Alexandre Dumas and Paul Bobage, in Les mille et un fantômes (The Thousand and One Ghosts) (1849)


  • Le Vampire (The Vampire) by Alexandre Dumas(1851)
  • La Baronne Trépassée (The Dead Baroness aka The Vampire and the Devil’s Son) by Pierre Alexis Ponson du Terrail. (1852)
  • "Le Vampire" ("The Vampire") by Charles-Pierre Baudelaire (1857)
  • "Quetait-ce?" ("What Was It?") by Fitz-James O’Brien (1859)


  • Le Chevalier Tenebre (The Shadow Knight aka Knightshade) by Paul Henri Corentin Féval (1860)
  • "The Mysterious Stranger" by Anonymous (1860)
  • "The Cold Embrace" by Mary Elizabeth Braddon (1860)
  • "Les Métamorphoses du vampire" ("Metamorphosis of a Vampire") by Charles-Pierre Baudelaire (1860)
  • Le Vampire Du Val-de-Grace (The Vampire of the Val-de-Grace) by Leon Gozlan (1861)
  • La Vampire (The Vampire aka The Vampire Countess) by Paul Henri Corentin Féval (1865)
  • La Ville-Vampire (Vampire City) by Paul Henri Corentin Féval (1867)
  • "The Last Lords of Gardonal" by William Gilbert (1867)


  • "The Vampire Cat of Nabéshima" by Algernon Bertram Freeman-Mitford in Tales of Old Japan (1871)
  • Carmilla by Joseph Sheridan Le Fanu, in his In a Glass Darkly (1872)
  • "Ombra" by Mrs. Richard S. Greenough, in Arabesques (1872)
  • Le Capitaine Vampire (Captain Vampire) by Marie Nizet (1879)


  • "The Fate of Madame Cabanel" by Eliza Lynn Linton (1880)
  • "Posle Devedeset Godina" ("After Ninety Years") by Milovan Glišic (1880)
  • “The Man-Eating Tree” by Phil Robinson, in his From Under the Punkah (1881)
  • "Klara Milich" by Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev (1882)
  • "The Vampyre" by Owen Meredith (1882)
  • "Life’s Secret" by Rev. Lal Behari Day, from Folk Tales of Bengal (1883)
  • Manor by Karl Heinrich Ulrichs (1884)
  • "Strigoiul" ("The Vampyre") by Vasile Alecsandri
  • The Horla by Guy de Maupassant (1887)
  • "Ken’s Mystery" (aka The Grave of Ethelind Fionguala) by Julian Hawthorne (1887)
  • "A Mystery of the Campagna" by Anne Crawford (under pseudonym Von Degen) (1887)


  • "The Old Portrait" by Hume Nisbet (1890)
  • "The Vampire Maid" by Hume Nisbet (1890)
  • "Let Loose" by Mary Cholmondeley (1890)
  • Le chateâu des Carpathes (The Castle of the Carpathians) by Jules Verne (1892)
  • "The Death of Halpin Frayser" by Ambrose Bierce (1893)
  • The Parasite by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle (1894)
  • "The True Story of a Vampire" (aka "The Sad Story of a Vampire") by Stanislaus Eric aka Count Eric Stenbock (1894)
  • "A Kiss of Judas" by X.L. (Julian Osgood Field), in his Aut Diabolus Aut Nihil, and Other Tales (1894)
  • Lilith by George MacDonald (1895)
  • "The Vampire of Croglin Grange" by Augustus Hare (1896)
  • "Phorfor" by Matthew Phipps Shiel (1896)

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