• my sister
    • she's fucking crazy, pardon the french, but it's driving my parents AND me absolutely insane. her dieting has warped her head, and honestly, i think she needs meds or something to control her emotions.
      • i hope i never end up like her, and that my kids never end up like how she is now. i worry about her, but god, sometimes i really hate her.
  • the future
    • what the hell am i gonna do? where am i gonna be in ten years, twenty years, heck, next year, or half a year, or a few months? sometimes, i welcome change. but there are times exactly like these where change scares the shit out of me.
      • god, i hope i don't end up alone. and i know, i joke about it sometimes, but that really does scare me.
  • how to deal with boys
    • i have no idea how to deal with boys.
  • how to deal with life
    • i have no idea how to deal with life.
mar 26 2010 ∞
apr 5 2010 +