• hi! im apollo! im uncomfortable w revealing my age i am v sorry,,
  • im a feminine boy! im genderfluid but my most frequent pronouns r it/he. use it/itself pronouns if you haven't already been following me/aren't my friend, please. I'm a polyamorous lithromantic pansexual (lithromantic - i like someone until they like me back(this is fluid for me, depending on the person!) pansexual - i am 2 willing date any/every gender, polyamorous - i am willing to date more than one person at the same time!)
  • im an intp-t !! im an aquarius also a hufflepuff!!
  • @stressforks is my bestie !!!!!!! and, also my qpp!!!!! 090916 <3!!
  • alex - 03/18/16 !!! barry - 08/03/16 !!!
  • send me personality things if u want to i like to take quizzes!
jul 25 2016 ∞
sep 24 2016 +