• [maykla fighting] klara: just take what's yours and leave! mayara: fine! ... [picks klara up and leaves]
  • [muffled screaming from the next room] cable guy: so how old's your kid? klara: oh, that's my best friend, mayara. she's 19.
  • interviewer: would you say you're independent? mayara: [looks at klara] klara: [nods] mayara. i'd say so, yes.
  • klara: can't you at least try to see things from my point of view? mayara, crouching down to klara's height: okay let's try this. klara: ...fuck you.
  • mayara: [starts to cry] klara, waking up at 3am in a cold sweat: something is wrong.
  • mayara: are you high? klara: am i what? mayara: high? klara: hello.
  • mayara: ask me why i love you. klara: why do you love me? mayara, pulling out a 200 slide presentation: well, i'm glad you asked.
  • mayara: bro wanna see me go around the world? klara: do it. [mayara walking around klara] klara:... mayara: you are my world bro. klara: bro.
  • mayara: don't change the subject. klara: what's the subject? mayara: me.
  • mayara: i missed you so much. klara: it's only been an hour? mayara, holding her hand: tell me about it, it's okay i'm here now.
  • mayara: i need you. klara: for? mayara: ever.
  • mayara: i would die for you. klara: i would die for you too. mayara, suddenly very emotional: please don't do that :(
  • mayara: i'm very upset and there's nothing in this world that can make me feel better. klara: ... mayara: no. klara: ... mayara: don't. klara: [brings wonho into the room] mayara, fighting a smile: fuck.
  • mayara: if i died, how much would you miss me? klara: it's funny how you think death can get you out of this friendship.
  • mayara: see? see, one day you're gonna look back on this and laugh. klara: i assure you, for the rest of my life, every time i look back on this i will personally drive over to your house and smack you.
  • mayara: we know each other better than anyone! we even finish each other senten- klara: ... mayara: ces.
jul 29 2019 ∞
jul 29 2019 +