Would you prefer to live in the country or the city?

  • I honestly would prefer living in a place that's a mix of both or if fate allows, live in the city for my studies and work and have a place in the nearby countryside that I can retreat to during weekends or when I want to de-stress, whethere it's in Montréal, Denmark, Alberta, or who knows where?

If you could learn a new skill, what would it be?

  • Probably being able to learn a new language easily, because there's so many of them and each of them has something unique.

Do you drink your tea or coffee with sugar?

  • Sometimes, I do! But honey is best!

What was your favourite book as a child?

  • I had to ask my mom this but back then I really loved those collections of encyclopedias and reference books and in particular, there's this book called Questions Kid Ask that I would usually read all day long.
  • I also think I really loved cooking books and looking at pictures.

Do you prefer baths or showers?

  • Baths definitely, but not daily!

If you could be a mythical creature, which would you choose?

  • Probably an ice or frost-breathing dragon or a merman...or better yet, a shapeshifter so I could be whoever or whatever I want?

Do you prefer reading paper or electronic books?

  • Paper definitely! Too much screen time is bad for our eyes!

What is your favourite item of clothing?

  • Recently I'm in love with plaid shirts to the point that I bought about 7 in the past two weeks that I'm here in Trois-Pistoles.

Do you like your name? Would you ever change it?

  • I do, but because of my lisp and braces, it's difficult for me to pronounce the letter J...if I could have it my way, I would probably give myself a long name that reflects my Iberian and Slavic heritages like Mihailo, Antonio, or Danilo...

Who is a mentor to you?

  • Most likely my mom and Madame Curie, my two role models.

Are you a restless sleeper?

  • These days, I think I am, thanks to the fleueve Saint-Laurent.

Do you consider yourself a romantic?

  • Very!

Which element best represents you?

  • I think water does.

Who do you want to be closer to?

  • A lot of people to be honest, but there's this really cute guy named P****** who's also a student here in the Trois-Pistoles immersion school and I really would love to get close (_and closer_) to him...

Do you miss someone at the moment?

  • Yeah, a lot of people from Montréal and Alberta.

Tell us about an early childhood memory.

  • When I was a little boy, my mom would take me with her to buy groceries and do errands and if there's a bookstore nearby, she'll leave me there for hours and she would come back to see me in the same spot, with a stack of books next to me. I think this is how I got into books and reading in general and I want to thank mom for this.

What is the strangest thing you have eaten?

  • The first time I tried snails, it was in 7th grade French class and thankfully, I loved it (yay for garlic butter). I guess it's not strange now but back then, it was.
  • Another strange thing was eating "exotic meats" like kangaroo, caribou, and ostrich at a fancy fondue restaurant for a first date with a cute guy. It was surprisingly delicious and since he was my first date whose first language wasn't English...you could say kissing him was quite exotic as well. ;)

What can you see outside your bedroom window?

  • Here in my bedroom in Trois-Pistoles, I can see some plants, the neighbours' houses, and my host dad's cars.
  • At my place in Montréal, I could see the skyline of the city.
  • In Camrose, it's just the field and our patio.

What are you most thankful for?

  • Every blessing that I have right now. I'm also grateful that with every passing day, I'm slowly improving myself for the better and I'm at a better state mentally, physically, emotionally, looks-wise, and intellectually than I was last year, the year before, and the 5 years ago.

Do you like spicy food?

  • Yes, but I have a certain threshold...some spicy food where one cannot even taste the other flavours, I don't like them.

Have you ever met someone famous?

  • I think I have...I'm not sure.

Do you keep a diary or journal?

  • A lot actually...I think I need to limit it to just two from now on, but whatever.

Do you prefer to use pen or pencil?

  • It depends, but for the most part, I really enjoy using pens, especially ones that are beautiful or elegant to writr with.

What is your star sign?

  • I'm a cancer. :)

Do you like your cereal crunchy or soggy?

  • Somewhere in between. I don't want my cereal bowl to be just 1% milk, but I don't want to eat soggy pillow pieces either.

What would you want your legacy to be?

  • A Nobel Prize in the sciences, raising smart, beautiful, hard-working, and kind children, and solve a problem that a lot of countries are facing...but most of all, I want to die happy and content with my life.

Do you like reading? What was the last thing you read?

  • I do love reading very much. The last thing I read was Le livre du Hygge: Mieux vivre, la méthode danoise and I'm enjoying it so far.

How do you show someone you love them?

  • You do little things that show how much you love them, remember the little things they say, whisper them little words of encouragement and kindness that takes away the heaviness of whatever burdens they have, and most of all, you do the things you love and enjoy together because you want to share your happiness with them.

Do you like ice in your drinks?

  • Some drinks yes, but not too much to the point that it's watered-down.
  • Some beverages are meant to be enjoyed warm though, like hot chocolate, coffee,and tea.

What are you afraid of?

  • Loneliness, unnecessary gore, and the sight of worms.

What is your favourite scent?

  • Scents that remind me of my childhood I think...the smell of my mom's cooking, fresh laundry that smells of my past romances, and fried fish that reminds me of grandma's cooking. I don't think I can choose just one favourite scent to be honest.

Do you address older people by their first or last name?

  • It depends on the person, the language, who they are, and how long I've known them for. If they also insist on referring to them by their first names, I might hesitate at the start, but I'll respect their choice.

If money was not a factor, how would you live your life?

  • Just cooking, relaxing, and enjoying life. Most likely travelling every now and then, and spending my time with people I care and love or dedicating it to causes and organizations I care about...but travelling and experiencing new cultures and reconnecting with the heritages that was denied to me would be a good start.

Do you prefer swimming in pools or in the ocean?

  • Why not both? It's the people you're with that matters!

What would you do if you found $50 on the ground?

  • Ask around and try to find the person who lost it but keep it to myself if no one claims it.

Have you ever seen a shooting star? Did you make a wish?

  • I think I already did but if I did, I would wish for happiness...whatever form that may be, for myself and for the people I love.

What is one thing you would want to teach your children?

  • To be kind and be good! The world needs more people like you guys!

If you had to have a tattoo, what would it be and where would you get it?

  • This would probably be a detailed answer but I would get a large tattoo on my back with an imagined coat of arms with a Habsburg lion and Habsburg black-and-white eagle (with its wings spread out); the coat of arms of would be divided into four, with each representing my heritages.
    • The top-left would have two Québécois fleur-de-lys (one in blue and one in white), one red Canadian maple leaf, and one Albertan rose.
    • The top-right would have four symbols: the Basque flag, the Senyera, the Cross of Burgundy, the coat of arms of Navarra
    • The bottom-left would have two Ukrainian tryzubs, a Greek Catholic cross, and the Crimean Tatar tamga.
    • The bottom-right would have two Bosnian lilies, one Serbian cross, and one Croatian checkered pattern
  • If this is too excessive, I'll just get each of my future kids' names somewhere...

Where do you feel the safest?

  • In my room.

What is one thing you want to overcome/conquer?

  • Fear and anxiety...sometimes, talking to people can be quite a challenge, especially cute guys I'm interested in.

What is your most used emoji?

  • Either the two pink hearts or the smiley with a halo.

What is your favourite season? Why?

  • Definitely autumn! Perfect for sweater weather, hyggeligt moments, not too hot, not too cold, and just seeing friends on campus and meeting with them seem fun.

How would you spend your ideal day?

  • It would be a Friday. I would wake up next to that special someone, then we'd fool around in bed and/or shower for a little bit, then make brunch together, then I'll stop by at work only to find out that everything that needed to be done has been done, then I'll go book-shopping by myself and take some time at a café reading my new books close to my house, then my husband would pick me up, then we'd pick up our kids from school then because it's the start of a long week-end, we'd head to the countryside or beach house instead of going home and just relax and we'll all make dinner together and eat outside then we'd catch up on what everyone's been up to recently and play games or walk around the beach or lake together, then after we put our kids to sleep, I guess I'll just lay my head on my husband's chest (or fool around again).

Describe yourself using one word.

  • Mystery.

What do you regret the most?

  • I did not do a lot of things in high school that could've helped me or helped avoid unnecessary problems when I got into university...but oh well, life goes on!
jul 22 2018 ∞
jul 29 2018 +