• 16 (dimanche): bought Nicolas Laloux sangria wine at Maxi, walked pass by Parc Lafontaine in the rain all the way to Sherbrooke station, had a drinking party with Delph chez elle, later walked with her to Parc Jarry and continued, borrowed her book on Bosnian, Serbian and Croatian grammar, roommate meeting: feeling unwelcome by pianist roommate and might need to find another apartment or room for rent...
  • 17 (lundi): technical difficulties at work, Constitution Day in Norway, shakshuka and toasted bread with "bruschetta" (tomatoes, herbes de Provence, lime juice, olive oil, salt, pepper) for dinner, pianist roommate is gone for the entire week (hopefully forever lol)
  • 18 (mardi): shakshuka leftovers, noise-cancelling headphones purchase approved by our team's assistant, walked around neighbourhood and played on the swing at Parc Compagnons-de-Saint-Laurent, illuminated fountain at Parc Baldwin
  • 19 (mercredi): Belle's 4th birthday! work, master's seminar on strategy process, got accepted at the Science Foundations certificate program (but not physics/chemistry) at Concordia, walked around the neighbourhood again, made tteokbokki with Chinese sausages for dinner, feeling a bit down and depressed for no reason...missing Jordan a lot, but I know he'll be back :)
  • 20 (jeudi): master's seminar on the roles of public servants in the policy process, work, received masala from some girl on TikTok, talk with Pat, started searching for another place and found a place at the Plateau (with dog!), went to L’Española to buy pimentón ahumado and polvorones, and then to Segal to buy groceries, made more chopped tomato/bruschetta salad, watched TikTok mostly for the rest of the evening
  • 21 (vendredi): helped little bro with course registration at UofA, work (had a meeting about ATIP), met with Delphine to have picnic with Portuguese poutine (from Ma Poule Mouillée) and alcohol, got pepper-sprayed by annoying teenagers on my way home, and relaxed
  • 22 (samedi): woke up so late lol, had interview with potential roommies (met their dog too!), stayed home all day and texted Delphy and Juli, pianist roommate is back (unfortunately, but was nice to have one week of peace and tranquility)
  • 23 (dimanche): made beef stew, read at Parc Baldwin, finished Persepolis once again
  • 24 (lundi): viewed apartment but someone else was selected, saw a lot of corgis, bought mangoes on the way home
  • 25 (mardi): played Stars Are Blind by Paris Hilton and Chloé by Emblem3 on full blast while at work, nice sunsets, bought stuff at Dollarama and Maxi
  • 26 (mercredi): discovered the beautiful song: Lamnatzeach Shir Mizmor, sausages and tomato salad, quick info-session for new Concordia students
  • 27 (jeudi): did reading journal, walked in the evening, played Everything Is Alright by Motion City Soundtrack on full blast
  • 28 (vendredi): woke up late but whatever, feeling confident because I solved an issue at work, received new carte d'assurance maladie, made (not homemade) ravioli with sauce, bought bread at Segal, met with Delph and walked around the city, end of curfew today!
  • 29 (samedi): woke up after a nap around 1am then went to Vieux-Port/Vieux-Montréal then pass Chinatown, and headed home after, woke up late and did nothing, I think I may be depressed, went for a night walk along avenue du Mont-Royal until Parc and going down Parc after with a small pause at Parc Jeanne-Mance to stare at the sky
  • 30 (dimanche): made Bosnian burek and Uruguayan empanadas, did presentation on linguistic representation on the federal public service of Canada
  • 31 (lundi): continued reading about 48 Laws of Power, discovered the BBL behaviour trend on TikTok lol, traditional Québécois folk music band playing at Parc Baldwin
may 17 2021 ∞
jun 16 2021 +