• If you're here from Twitter, you must have seen it in my bio but I do voice acting as a hobby. I don't do much serious work, though. You can check my Youtube channel if you wanna see what I'm capable of. If you want my voice for a project of yours, I'd be happy to help.
  • I'm not the biggest fan of anime and manga but I do watch/read it at times with my three absolute favorites being Jojo's Bizarre Adventure, Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood and Akatsuki no Yona.
  • I couldn't live without music. I mostly listen to game OSTs.
  • I'm very present on the internet, wether it's watching videos on Youtube, messing around on Twitter, browsing fanart or making bad memes.
  • My mind tends to wander off whenever it pleases but I find myself enjoying daydreaming although it's not very productive.
  • I'm a pretty sporty guy. I'm generally up for physical activities as long as they're fun for me.
  • I have quite an affinity for animals, I like them way more than my family at least. Birds I love especially and I dream of having one as a pet when it'll be possible for me.
sep 10 2017 ∞
aug 20 2018 +