• Talk to someone new, doesn't matter who, just choose someone good and talk about life
  • Read a book, maybe that old, dusty one hidden under all that mess, learn to appreciate the importance of words
  • Watch a movie at the theatre either by yourself or with a friend, stay long after the credits have finished rolling and soak in the beautiful silence and the warmt all the bodies left behind
  • Visit a new city and tell everyone "hello", nobody knows who you were, just who you are at the moment, it's okay
  • Get a job at your crappy town that's been there for years, leave a 'lucky' penny in each grocery bag to spread positivity
  • Create a mix cd and play it loud, either on a long drive to nowhere, or in your room while everyone is away, jump on your bed, write on your walls, it's liberating to break even the tiniest of rules
  • Take in a stray cat or dog, make them feel loved, give them a bubble bath & hug them every single day, you have each other and that's good enough

You're 18, that's great. You're not? Say you are anyway, live a little

jan 10 2014 ∞
jul 26 2017 +