• Tag your name, or anything really, on your favorite building in town, come back months later to check if it's still there
  • Grab two books (maybe from the public library if you're feeling rebellious & adventurous), rip out the last page from each of them and leave a note in both saying "if you want to know what happens last, you must read/check out _____________"
  • Tape a fortune cookie fortunes on dollar bills
  • Tie a small notebook to a public bench and write "Why did you do it?" on the cover, come back next day (hopefully it'll still be there), and read
  • Make a tin can telephone, call yo'self
  • Climb a tree and carve your name when you get to the top
  • Buy as many balloons as you can and let them all go at once (or hand them out, whatever tickles your pickle)
  • Get an old bowl and fill it with fresh water, leave it somewhere where there are stray dogs, it's hot and they get thirsty too!
  • Braid a bracelete for yourself and never take it off (never)
  • Watch ants intently for an hour, trust me, they're mezmerizing, might wanna leave them a few crumbs
jan 10 2014 ∞
jul 26 2017 +