• Put your favorite things, things from your past, things that you're ready to part with together in a box, seal it up and write "Make good use of it" and leave it on a park bench (it's time to move on)
  • Watch the scariest movie you own and try to stay in your restroom with the doors closed and no source of light or music or electronic device for an entire minute, if you survive without giving in, you may reward yourself with a bar of fudge
  • Cut out your favorite words from a book or magazine, put them into an envelope along with their definition and carry it along with you just in case you might want to use one
  • Prank call every restaurant in your area and ask if they know the Krabby Patty secret formula, wait for a response
  • Write a positive graffiti on public restroom stalls
  • Replace actual fortune cookies with these: "have u met ted" "you're rad" "butts r nice"
  • Go for a walk and take a stick of chalk with you, try to draw the longest line possible without lifting it off the surface
  • Draw and tape eyeballs onto the vehicle of someone you know, DON'T tell them

Have a great summer!

jan 10 2014 ∞
jul 26 2017 +