these can apply to anyone who wants to follow. everything is based on my own experience. help yourself.

  • BE ON TIME. Not just on the first day of school, but throughout the semester. You're fresh, you're new. First days are critical. You have no goddamn idea where your classroom is. You don't know any of the professors. You don't know anyone. So pay attention and don't lose your schedule.
  • INTRODUCTORY SPEECH. You'll have to introduce yourself to every class. Bonus if you can construct a good answer for the famous impromptu question: What are your expectations in this subject?
  • KEEP A LOT OF 1X1 OR 2X2 PICTURES. And index cards. This will serve as a temporary recognition to your professors. They will instruct you to write your name, address, email, birthday, etc etc whatever the fuck pleases them.
  • GET A BINDER. Used to have a shit ton of notebooks in high school? Not anymore. Fillers will do.
  • DONT FORGET THE YELLOW FUCKING PAPER. I cannot stress this enough. Short tests and exercises are done almost every other meeting. But never bring out your whole pad. Unless you're willing to provide involuntarily to the whole class.
  • PACK LIGHT. Tendency is, you will walk 70% of the time. Moving from one class to another. You don't get to stay in one room for the entire day. So I suggest bring only what you need. Don't bring your fucking house. What, are you going camping?
  • TAKE NOTES. It is not mandatory for professors to remind you. Do this on your own. They give zero fucks if you walk into a lecture 20 minutes late.
  • FLASH-DRIVES AND PDF FILES. Teachers would mostly discuss lessons through powerpoints so never forget to ask for a copy. This will save you time and effort in writing.
  • SNACKS. Double periods often happen. Some classes are so fucking hardcore that you only get a maximum of 15 minutes for your break. And you seldom eat breakfast (but if you do get the opportunity, even if it means making your way down to the cafeteria, do it) Always keep a packet of crisps or a sandwich. Plus water, keep yourself hydrated.
  • DO YOUR ASSIGNMENTS THE MOMENT YOU ARE FREE TO. Chances are, you get a pile of homework on all of the subjects you have on a particular day. Note down due dates. Never procrastinate (unless this is ur 2nd time in college which in fact not hhaahaha dont pride on yourself you dont know shit) the sooner, the better.
  • HANG OUT IN THE LIBRARY. This is the only place where you can avoid turmoil. You can even try and get proper sleep, but don't be too evident. Most librarians won't care as long as you're not making any noise (have problems with snoring? gtfo) Also, read. Fucking read, jesus christ, what are you, four years old? You need to read. No excuses. Read everything relevant to your course. Go for extra knowledge, not stock knowledge.
  • NO IS ALWAYS AN OPTION. Never feel obligated to do favors for other people. You do your job, they do theirs. Do the things you want to do, not the things you feel like you should do. Too much kindness is taken advantage of.
  • DIGNITY OVER REPUTATION. Concerned about your image to other people? They can fuck off. The only approval you will ever need are from the people you trust and yourself.
  • NEVER KISS A PROFESSOR'S ASS. Figuratively speaking. For the love of god, you're not in high school anymore. Make genuine gestures.
  • KEEP GOOD COMPANY. One best friend is enough but it won't hurt to have peers of your own. You will spend the rest of your college years with these people so be wise and join a crowd that will not influence you with negativity. This is also important when you are proposed to work in groups. Be aware of those who you are comfortable with.
  • BE SOCIAL. Unless you're like me, then you're inclined to depression. Call a friend, let it out. Be honest and tell them they don't have to respond, just lending you an ear. You have no idea how much it will help you.
  • ENCOURAGE YOURSELF. All the time. Give yourself a boost. Think you're at the brink of losing all faith in education? Tell yourself otherwise.
  • BREATHE. You're human. You're not hot-wired to perform tasks in one go. Failure is a detour, not a dead end street. Everybody fails and everybody gets a second chance. As long as you pass, you're okay. Better grades are great but do not make yourself suffer for it.
  • ENJOY. You're in college. You're legal. Be yourself, but never diss your limits. Don't be afraid of change. Be the person you've always wanted to be in high school. Be proud of it.

I believe in the possible. I believe, small thought we are, insignificant we may be, we can reach a full understanding of the universe. - Stephen Hawking

may 23 2014 ∞
jul 26 2017 +