More short story collections by Haruki Murakami.

after the quake

  • No matter how far you travel, you can never get away from yourself - UFO in Kushiro
  • I understand how you feel, but if you put those feelings into words they will turn into lies. - Thailand
  • The whole terrible fight occurred in the area of imagination. That is the precise location of our battlefield. It is there that we experience our victories and our defeats. - Super-Frog Saves Tokyo

The Elephant Vanishes

  • You can’t keep counting forever. - The Wind-up Bird and Tuesday’s Women
  • I closed my eyes and tried to recall the sensation of sleeping, but all that existed for me inside was a wakeful darkness. A wakeful darkness: What it called to mind was death. - Sleep
  • You can look all you want, but you can’t say a thing. You can’t do a thing. Your existence is over, finished, done. - The Little Green Monster

The Kangaroo Communique

  • I want to lead a general existence and yet be a distinct, separate entity.
  • I’m striving for imperfection

A Slow Boat to China

  • And everywhere, infinite options, infinite possibilities. An infinity, and at the same time, zero. We try to scoop it all up in our hands, and what we get is a handful of zero.
  • I can go everywhere and I don’t go anywhere.
  • Misdiagnosis, as a psychiatrist might say, as it was with that Chinese girl. Maybe, in the end, our hopes were the wrong way around. But what am I, what are you, if not a misdiagnosis? And if so, is there a way out?
mar 17 2012 ∞
mar 17 2012 +