if they're sisters I've absolutely thought of it before
- csm: asa with any lady (focused on: asa x horseman) / horsemencest / makireze, makiden, makipower / himebeni / yoshiden
- genshin: eisara/shogunsara , eishogun, eimako / ninglan / dehyarzad / yaesara / clorinette, wrionette
- hi3: meiven, apomei / himekia , fuki / sakuteri, ottoteri / honestly i like mei with any lady
- hsr: acheswan / kafhime , kafwolf / tingkong / cocobron / stelle x all girls
- fate: jalter x salter / morgan x artoria
- misc: despaircest, makimai, shiimii , takano/rena, satsuryu, willcass, kiana x jyanhar
(+ a bunch that aren't on here, I am a shipping fiend, ask me about my ships.)