pie's listography
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bethany cooper
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(things to do with harley)
learn french
visit france/live there for a while
grow our hair long together
see more sunsets
see more sunrises
have water balloon fights
stay at the beach and watch the waves till morning
get four tattoos
"inside all of us is...hope" from
where the wild things are
317 on my back
the radiohead demon on amnesiac or the radiohead bear
and "explore" on the bottom of my foot
and maybe something related to another one of my favourite bands
go to a funfair and go on all the rides, eat candyfloss, and be excited like i was when i was kid
meet morrissey
meet thom yorke
go to a zoo and see the penguins
see warpaint live high and/or drunk
go to the hampshire lavender field
go to london and go to all the tourist attractions
get lost in a corn maze
adopt a rescue animal
go on a road trip somewhere we've never been before
spend a day in an aquarium
have a tarantino day
go without electronics for at least a week
sleep under the stars
keep dream diaries
make mixtapes and mix CDs for people's birthdays/Christmas
say yes to everything for one day
hug a stranger
dance with a stranger
have a disney/pixar film marathon
build a treehouse in the woods
spend a whole day just watching the clouds
go on a month long road trip and leave are mark everywhere we go
leave meaningful quotes/compliments in places for people to find
go to a 24 hour coffee shop at 3am and try everything they have on the menu
go to the bridge in france with the locks on it
carve something into a tree
stay up all night and bake with the smiths on
take a camera everywhere we go
try every flavour of mountain dew
have really white teeth
bake minnie the mouse cupcakes
tie dye my denim shorts
find an abandoned house and stay the night
be able to do a proper push up
see morrissey live
learn how to cope with misophonia
try every flavour of ben & jerry's
work in a pet store
try every flavour milkshake at shakeaway
see the monarch butterfly migration
get an apartment together
jump into a pool in clothes
visit strawberry fields in central park
visit abbey road
make melted crayon art
see the sunset from the eiffel tower
ride a rollercoaster
dine and ditch
finish a bottle of nail polish
have a cookie dough fight
hang dream catchers everywhere
go to longleat safari park
visit the ghibli museum
make jello shots
smash a pie in someone's face
visit the aokigahara forest
visit glass beach
see the alice in wonderland statue in central park
eat at alice of magic world
make a jar of lucky paper stars
overcome my trich
find p. sherman, 42 wallaby way, sydney
have a round bed
visit genova, italy
get a feather tattoo
read every chuck palahniuk novel
spend valentine's day in paris
meet justin vernon
learn how to make hair bows
try every flavour of pop tarts
be able to walk in high heels
visit easter island
play spin the bottle
fall down a rabbit hole
create our own secret garden
learn how to juggle
own every disney film on dvd
play hide & seek in ikea
tattoo over our scars
get tattooed by chris nunez
get a vertical tragus peircing
attend a festival
have a paint fight
own a typewriter
visit key west
read every goosebumps book
go on a cruise
flash someone
take part in a zombie walk
own every colour of converse
eat at the hello kitty cafe
spend an entire day eating junk food without feeling bad
try every monster energy drink
use an ouija board
visit the santa monica pier
visit brighton
release a floating lantern
find nemo
paint the front door baby blue
play the lotr drinking game
go to sea world
go and stay at my auntie's cottage in cornwall and explore
read 365 books in one year
lay in the road in the middle of the night
catch lightning bugs
visit the wizarding world of hazza p
trade ipods with someone for the day
start a diary and write in every day
read a book backwards
try every lush bath bomb
design a mug
buy a home for ourselves
have a studio ghibli film marathon
have a tim burton themed party
throw a drink in someone's face
go to the beach at 3am with the windows down
go to a hard rock cafe
just drive during the night for the sake of it
have pale, porcelain skin
go to madagascar
find wally
put mentos in diet coke
see city & colour live
buy legalise gay shirts
have a pet tortoise
go to a tumblr meetup
take a photo everyday for a year
try every flavour of pringles
see the hollywood sign
find out how many balloons it takes to lift a person off of the ground
have a favourite author sign a book
go into the ocean fully clothed
do the round trip my parents made around the world
get a tattoo in memory of lachlann
complete a scrapbook
build a snowman
finish a wreck this journal
steal a restaurant/pub board
see the northern lights
learn how to play an instrument
have a pet rat
have a beach party with ukes
have a flat stomach
dye my own hair
get a tattoo in remembrance of my sister
decorate the house with paper snowflakes
cook everything in the unofficial hazza p cookbook
see radiohead live
bake every single thing in a cookbook
learn another language
walk through a drive thru
breathe in helium
order dessert first at restaurant
visit pixar studios
escape wales
don't cut are hair
visit alaska
convince someone else to write a bucket list
be part of a flash mob
give all the people the gifts i've bought them but been too shy to give to them
sleep under a christmas tree
have mermaid hair
have fairylights strung all over the house
have a party in the forest with vodka and JD in teacups with fairylights strung throughout the trees, and wooden furniture
bake gingerbread men
eat a whole jar of nutella
make a penpal and send handwritten letters
drop waterballoons off of a tall building
have a star wars film marathon
write on the "before i die" wall in new orleans
drive with no particular destination in mind
throw a dart at a map and go wherever it lands
time travel
send a message in a bottle
go to kaia's farm in ireland
go to auschwitz
go to poland
go to anne frank's secret annex
have a summer christmas
watch all the star wars and lord of the rings films
fix the vinyl player and start our vinyl collection, aided by papa james' personal library
spend a day at an art museum
may 19 2012 ∞
aug 1 2012 +