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farid/RJ/mac | 21 | E/INFP | he/dia

hey!! im farid and im also maccready!

heya if you manage to read through all these i love you very much and if you dont its ok i still love you for visiting!!

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hey so heres a heads up abt some stuff i do jic!

  • talk a lot about these topics
    • islam (as a queer muslim)
    • male pregnancy (as a transmasc person who wants to bear kids)
    • malaysia's corruption
    • racial discourse
    • ace discourse cultural wise
    • a lot of sjw stuff
  • i also do some stuff ppl might find uncomfy such as
    • vagueing (i only ever do this for irl ppl!)
    • self hate
    • BPD meltdowns
    • split to my alter, pax (he rarely comes out now though)
  • and also some personality flaws of mine are
    • extremely unorganised and tardy
    • very poor at social cues, you have to be direct and blunt with me!
    • attention starved as someone with bpd
    • confused with english, it isnt my first lang!
    • i cannot stand being ignored and would probably have a bad meltdown because of it due to my bpd
    • i mean it, please don't ignore me and talk to me if you have issues with me, thank you!

please if i ever make you uncomfy, give me a heads up by messaging me!! i will 100% understand!

jan 7 2017 ∞
nov 6 2017 +