Let's start with the most recent:

  • Had tele-conference with an astrologer; she provided me with great insight (DO NOT FORGET!): that sometimes in life there is a need for a period of contemplation and self-reflection. She informed me because I am a natural extrovert and have come into this world to assert myself, I might find it hard to accept this period of slow-down. However, though this may not be a most productive time for me, this introspection is needed so that later on something great may be manifested. I felt most at ease after hearing this, and had tamed some of my frustration. I've been flying back and forth between alone time and social time, but overall, socializing feels forced now. I need to be okay with going inside myself, and maybe... just maybe... I can actually use this alone time to work on my art. :) All things in good measure, eh?
  • That I really (like really) need women in my life now
  • My "yang" side has blocks in it (could use more sensual experiences with women and retract a bit from men)
  • I should try something different: BDSM, fantasy clothes, dressing up more sensually and erotically (it's okay to try something new)
  • This is the year for sudden transformation and internal soul-work (take time to paint, write, and get more comfortable in your skin)
  • If someone rejects me it's only because they don't serve a purpose in my life (that is to say, in the Universal plan for me)
  • I can be happy: my "inability" to feel happy is an unconscious drive. I need to find what unconscious pattern makes me believe I cannot/do not deserve to be happy, and pluck it.
  • Triangles: because what goes up must come down
  • Jung: God becomes more conscious as humans become conscious
  • Jung is fuckin' AWESOME! (have been running into his work a lot. Coincidence? I think not. Archetypes speak).
  • The key to our salvation lies within our suffering (that is so say, that within our own unhappiness is the key to happiness. Ain't that fuckin' something?)
  • It's okay to be selfish (sometimes)
  • No one's fucking looking anyway, so why do I care so much about what I look like to others? Getting over my "self-consciousness"
  • If you don't look for the answers, they might actually come to you in time
  • "Maybe we're not supposed to be happy. Maybe gratitude has nothing to do with joy. Maybe being grateful means recognizing what you have for what it is. Appreciating small victories. Admiring the struggle it takes simply to be human. Maybe we're thankful for the familiar things we know. And maybe we're thankful for the things we'll never know. At the end of the day, the fact that we have the courage to still be standing is reason enough to celebrate."
  • The things that I want come to me. They may not come exactly when I want them, or exactly how I expect them, but they come to me. The Universe is kind. Namaste.
jun 13 2013 ∞
jun 20 2013 +